Definition of



A paved public road is called a highway.

The highway is a paved public road that is arranged for vehicle traffic. In general, these are wide roads that allow fluid circulation. For example: “Excuse me, sir… I want to get to San Camilo beach: which road should I take?” , “Tourists have complained about the poor condition of the road” , “Those who want to travel north should keep in mind that there is about three kilometers of congestion on the A-4 highway” .

If we wanted to determine the etymological origin of the term road, we would have to go back to Latin. Thus, in it we would verify that it emanates from the word carrus , which was a two-wheeled vehicle. A word to which a series of suffixes would be joined to create the concept that concerns us now as the suffix – eta , which is synonymous with cart.

Roads in Spain

In the case of Spain we find various types of roads, also called routes . Thus, for example, there are national ones that, as their name indicates, are those that depend directly on the State and are identified because they have two lanes and two directions of traffic. In them the maximum speed allowed is 100 kilometers per hour.

Then, there would be the regional roads , which are those that are under the jurisdiction of a province. They are characterized because they have a single carriageway, with two lanes, or a double carriageway. They also allow two-way circulation of vehicles and a speed of 100 kilometers per hour cannot be exceeded.

The third most common roads are the so-called local roads, which depend directly on the municipality of a municipality and have a single carriageway with two lanes. They also have narrow shoulders, no more than half a meter, and the maximum speed at which you can drive on them is 90 kilometers per hour.


A road can have different characteristics.

Classification in other countries

In each country, however, the classification of roads is different. Thus, for example, in Argentina there are national routes , municipal routes and provincial routes . While in the United States we talk about interstate highways , local roads and federal highways .

It should be noted that it is possible to distinguish between roads and highways (or highways ) since the former usually have intersections and crossings at the same level, while highways are designed for high-speed traffic.

road blockade

It should be noted that roads are roads of public domain and use . No citizen, in theory, has the right to prohibit the passage of another. However, given their importance to the functioning of a country, roads are often cut or blocked by protesters who want to draw attention and make a claim. In these cases, authorities are faced with the dilemma of safeguarding the right to free movement or respecting the right to expression.

Other types of blockades are tolls , endorsed by the State . It is common for a private company to be granted the right to charge for the passage of vehicles on the highway, in exchange for said company being in charge of maintaining the road: “If you want to get to Pueblo Norte through this highway, you will have to pay “two tolls in the next hundred kilometers.”