Definition of


Before analyzing the term caries in depth, it is necessary to determine that it is a noun whose etymological origin is Latin. It is considered that the first time it was used was back in the 1st century BC when the doctor Aurelius Cornelius Celsus. Specifically, he used it to mention the corrosion of certain bone parts of the human body.

Cavities are the damage that occurs locally in hard tissue . Generally the concept refers to dental caries , which is the destruction of teeth generated by certain bacteria .

CariesThe microorganisms that live in the mouth form bacterial plaque or dental plaque . This plaque, with the remains of food left in the mouth, produces acids that demineralize and destroy the tissues of the teeth. This disease caused by bacterial plaque is called cavities.

Initially, cavities affect the enamel of the tooth. It then reaches the dentin and later the dental pulp , inflaming it. Finally the disease generates necrosis of the pulp. If the affected tooth remains untreated, it can lead to apical periodontitis , tooth abscess , and other disorders.

There are many reasons that can lead to cavities. A genetic predisposition can be added to the lack of dental cleaning or poor cleaning, for example linked to the pH level of saliva. Foods high in sugar also promote the development of cavities.

Caries treatment takes place in two stages. Firstly, the dentist must eliminate the agent that caused the infection along with the tissues that were affected. Once this is done, you have to restore the tooth.

In order to reduce the risk of suffering from cavities, in addition to the advice indicated, it is necessary to follow others such as the following:

-Avoid foods such as chips, cookies and sweets.

-Brush your teeth at least twice a day because it is the way to eliminate plaque bacteria in a clear and forceful way.

-Use dental floss to reach those areas of the teeth that the brush cannot reach.

-Frequently, you should also use dental rinses that will help combat the aforementioned plaque.

-It is considered that another fundamental measure is to carry out a healthy, complete and balanced diet. We are referring to having a diet where both fruits and vegetables, fresh and seasonal products take center stage... In addition, it is essential to avoid snacking between meals, eat five meals a day, avoid ingesting juices that are made from very acids and drink enough water daily. Specifically, it is determined that the ideal is to consume between 2 and 2.5 liters of water daily.

To avoid cavities, it is necessary to go to the dentist regularly. In any case, it can be said that maintaining adequate oral hygiene and reducing the consumption of sugary drinks and foods are two measures that usually contribute to the prevention of this disease.