Definition of


The term caricature , whose etymological root is found in the Italian language , refers to a graphic satire that is developed by deforming the appearance of something or someone . It is a drawing for humorous purposes, which usually ridicules its model.

CartoonFor example: “This morning I saw a very funny caricature of the president in the newspaper,” “Controversy over a caricature of Muhammad published by a European magazine,” “When my son saw his caricature, he started crying: he didn't understand what it was about.” “of a joke.”

Caricatures are often created through distortion or exaggeration of features . The caricature of a tall man, for example, may present him as someone as tall as a building. A big-nosed person, meanwhile, may appear in a cartoon with a nose larger than his entire body.

In addition to the above, we have to establish that in order to make a good caricature you must follow these instructions that we indicate below:

-The most important rule is that the cartoon has to have a certain resemblance to the original.

-The key is to exaggerate the most significant facial features of the person in question. Features that can surprise both because they are very large and very small. For this reason, it must be taken into account that whoever is going to make the caricature must first carefully analyze the face of the individual in front of them.

-Although these characteristics of the face must be exaggerated, it is important that the caricaturist not deform it too much. Of course, because if you do it what you are going to achieve is that the person will not be recognizable.

-Among the steps that are established that will allow you to make a good caricature, the following stand out: draw the circle of the face and establish the guide lines taking into account the perspective, establish the eyes, ears, nose in each area of ​​the face , eyebrows and mouth using basic strokes. From there you will have to continue outlining and highlighting and then proceed to establish the entire face.

Beyond comedy , caricatures can also make a complaint or constitute criticism . For this, allegories or symbolism are usually used. If a political leader is caricatured as a vulture or a crow, he will be associated with a bird of prey, which feeds on corpses.

Among the most famous people who become the target of the work of caricature experts are celebrities such as politicians, actors, singers and athletes. However, anyone can have their own as there are many artists who offer this service, especially in tourist areas.

In some countries , a cartoon series or movie is called a caricature: “When I was a kid I spent all my vacations watching cartoons on television,” “Tomorrow we are going to go see a cartoon movie at the cinema,” “My daughter "He loves cartoons."

In colloquial language , finally, what is described as a caricature is something that tries to be something but fails to achieve it : “I don't understand how the club hired this caricature of a footballer” , “This is not a serious project, it's just a caricature” .