Definition of



What is transported is called cargo.

The act and consequence of carrying give rise to the notion of cargo . The concept, which can be used in certain contexts as a synonym for cargo , is related to that thing that generates weight or pressure with respect to another or the structure that is transported (whether on the back or shoulders of an individual, on the back of an animal or in a vehicle).

For example: "The load is already on the truck: as soon as we receive the order, we will leave for the city" , "I don't think it can carry so much load, I'm not that strong" , "This horse has always helped me transport the load to the town» , «The load arrived four hours late» .

It is interesting to note that load can also be the weight that a certain base or structure can support: "This reinforced table can support a load of one ton" , "The shelf gave way to the load and broke in half" , "Be careful , the load is already bending the legs of the furniture» .

The loading of a weapon

Likewise, we cannot ignore that charge is also known as the amount of ammunition or explosive that is placed in a firearm to fire it. In this case, we find that rifles , pistols or mortars, for example, require their corresponding charge to function.

In addition, what is called depth charge is also used. A term that defines the explosive that is used to blow up and attack what are underwater objects.

The concept in the field of war

In this warlike sense, it must be emphasized that this concept that we are addressing is also used to refer to the energetic, frontal and forceful attack that a troop carries out against its rival. The objective of this action is clear: to enter into direct contact with the enemy and destabilize it.

Throughout History there have been various types of charges, but the best known is the one carried out by cavalry. It was characterized because it was launched when the opponent was going through its worst moments, phases of weakness, and because, on most occasions, it was manifested through the galloping of the troops that provided speed and forcefulness.

In the latter case, it must be emphasized that, until the appearance of firearms, this war charge was carried out using everything from swords or spears to bows with arrows.

A type of charge that we are addressing is also known by the name of petral charge, named after the members of the two cavalries facing each other hand-to-hand.


The spare or part of a device whose contents are depleted with use can be called a load.

Other uses of the term cargo

Another use of the term is related to the device, part or replacement of a piece whose content runs out or ends with a certain frequency : "The battery ran out of charge again," "Do you have charge on your phone?" "Mine ran out of credit," "I have to buy a new charge for my blue pen."

In the field of physics , however, electric charge is known as the property possessed by certain subatomic particles that becomes evident through phenomena of attraction and repulsion that manage to establish multiple interactions between them at an electromagnetic level. Matter that has an electric charge is conditioned by electromagnetic fields and, at the same time, generates them.

In certain sports , loading is the action of charging (in the sense of displacing another player through a violent collision ): "Gómez scored twice, but the referee charged him and annulled the play."