Definition of


Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term cardiovascular, it is necessary to choose to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be indicated that it is a neologism, which is the result of the sum of the following clearly delimited parts:

-The Greek noun "kardia", which can be translated as "heart."

-The Latin word "vasculum", which refers to what blood vessels are.

-The Latin suffix "-ar", which is used to indicate belonging or relationship.

Cardiovascular is an adjective that is used in the field of medicine to refer to what is linked to the circulatory system and the heart . Understanding the concept, therefore, requires knowing what these two notions refer to.

CardiovascularThe circulatory system , also called the circulatory system , is the structure of the body that enables the circulation of blood and lymph . This system is made up of organs, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nodes and other tissues. The heart , for its part, is the most important organ of the circulatory system. Its function is to pump blood so that it reaches all parts of the body.

We speak of the cardiovascular system to refer specifically to the structure that allows blood to circulate (that is, without considering the circulation of lymph). The heart, veins, arteries, capillaries, arterioles, venules and, of course, blood, make up this system.

Cardiovascular disease is a disorder that affects the heart or another component of the circulatory system. Also called heart disease , these illnesses are studied by cardiologists (experts in cardiology ).

There are numerous types of cardiovascular diseases. In some cases they are congenital : the person already suffers from them before birth, because they arise during embryonic development. Other heart diseases are acquired. It is important to keep in mind that there are cardiovascular diseases that can cause death.

Important facts about cardiovascular diseases are the following:

-It is established that they are the main cause of death worldwide.

-The main risk factors that can lead a person to suffer from one of these pathologies are tobacco consumption, harmful alcohol consumption, following an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, having a sedentary life...

-The most frequent symptoms of cardiovascular diseases are pain or discomfort in the chest, vomiting and nausea, dizziness, difficulties in vision in one or both eyes, headaches with no known cause, weakness...

-In order to reduce the risks of suffering from one of these pathologies, it is necessary to follow a healthy, complete and balanced diet where fruit and vegetables are present. In the same way, it is necessary to exercise periodically, it is important to reduce the amount of salt in meals, leave aside alcohol and tobacco as well as other drugs...

Health cardiovascular, operation o cardiovascular surgery, cardiovascular prevention, cardiovascular risk y cardiovascular control son otras nociones que se forman con este adjetivo.