Different species of beetle insects are known as woodworm . These are small animals whose larvae feed on wood , having the ability to gnaw and make holes in it.
Also called quera , woodworm produces a characteristic sawdust that is also called woodworm. Another peculiarity of these insects is that they generate a noise that is sometimes perceptible.
Woodworm characteristics
The woodworms, with a blackish body, can have a length from 1.5 millimeters to about 10 mm. Their eyes have a noticeable separation and are characterized by their large size.
By eating wood, woodworms are xylophagous . They usually live in constructions made of this material made by humans, perforating the structures and creating galleries while they are larvae. Then, after undergoing the metamorphosis that allows them to become a beetle capable of flying , they abandon wood. However, outside they manage to survive for a few days, dying after laying their eggs in a crevice.
It should be noted that, in general, the insect that makes up the family group Ptinidae , also known as Anobiidae , is called woodworm. In any case, sometimes specimens from other families are called the same way.
His link with the human being
Woodworm larvae tend to eat dry wood. That is why it is not usual for them to feed on live trees or freshly cut wood . On the contrary, they prefer old buildings and furniture .
Woodworms can feed on doors , chairs , tables , racks and frames , among other elements. Many times people do not see the insect, although they do notice the holes it makes and the sawdust it generates.
Due to the damage it causes to different items and structures, woodworm is a pest that people try to combat with various methods. As the insect cannot withstand low temperatures, freezing objects that can be moved (furniture, for example) can be used.
The injection of specific substances into the holes caused by the animal and the use of gels or products that are sprayed are options that are usually used at home.
Woodworm and bites
Those who handle woodworm-affected wood often end up with bites on their hands or arms. Although welts are often attributed to the woodworm itself, in reality this insect does not sting.
Usually the bites correspond to Sclerodermus domesticus , an insect that feeds on woodworm larvae. This means that where there are woodworms, it is common that there is also Sclerodermus domesticus, which can bite humans .
The bite of Sclerodermus domesticus can cause a lot of pain, itching, fever and general discomfort. It is important to consider that, by fighting woodworm, by extension you are fighting Sclerodermus domesticus, which loses its food source.
A book by González Herrera
“Carcoma” , finally, is the title of a book by the Spanish author Yurena González Herrera . The work was published in 2020 by Ediciones Baile del Sol .
This work by González Herrera is divided into five sections. “Carcoma” , in total, presents sixty short stories.