Definition of



The face is the front part of the head.

Face is a concept used in reference to the front part of the head of a human being and certain animals. The face, therefore, extends from the chin to the forehead.

For example: "The criminal who robbed the bank hid his face with a handkerchief" , "My nephew burned his face with a candle" , "Who is that young woman?" "His face looks familiar to me."

By extension, the face of a subject is called a face. The idea of ​​face, in this way, can refer to the representation of a certain emotional state on the face: «When I told Juan that we couldn't go to the party, he made a bad face» , «I'm fascinated by this baby! "I can't believe he always wakes up with a good face."

Face skin care

With respect to facial skin care, there are many trends, ranging from absolute negligence (people who do not even wash their face while showering) to those who do not let it rest for even a day, subjecting it to endless treatments that They seek to hydrate and renew it. As always, the most advisable thing is to find a middle ground and for this there are many tips and tricks.

Steam baths are easy to prepare and do not require unusual materials: just boil a pot of water and add a few thyme or rosemary leaves, or a drop of thyme or rosemary essential oil. When the water reaches a boil, we must lower the temperature to the minimum, lean so that our face is looking directly at the water and remain in this position for approximately a quarter of an hour, so that the steam opens our pores and helps us cleanse the skin. .

Exfoliation is another technique that is often used by those seeking maximum care for their face . There are many ways to exfoliate facial skin, with varying degrees of "aggressiveness"; For this reason, for those who are just starting out, it is recommended to opt for loofahs , which are used to gently massage the face during the bath, and cannot cause damage.

facial care

There are multiple products and techniques to care for facial skin.

Other uses of the term

Face, on the other hand, can be the appearance , appearance , disposition or a facet of something: "The project has several interesting faces," "This restaurant does not have a good face, let's go somewhere else."

The front of a building or its façade is also called face, as is the surface of certain elements: "They painted the Ministry of Economy's face white," "I'm going to write on the other side of the cardboard."

In the field of geometry , faces are the planes that limit or make up a polyhedron. A die, to cite one example, has six squares as faces.

have two faces

Starting from its meaning in geometry, there are some idioms that use the concept of the face of an object to refer to duality or the importance of analyzing situations from various points of view. For example, when we talk about "two sides of the coin" we mean that the same topic can be analyzed in two different ways.

When this idea is applied to human beings, it is clear that it is done metaphorically since we physically have only one face, at least if we understand it as "face" . Therefore, when it is said that someone "has two faces" the meaning of the phrase is that they are a false person, who is hiding something, who is not sincere with others and who should not be trusted.

High value or price

The notion of expensive, finally, is used to refer to that which has a price , a cost or a value that is considered high :

"Be careful with that jewel, it's very expensive" and "Meat is expensive, we're going to have to start eating more pasta" are expressions that show this use.