Definition of



A capsule can be a medicine.

A capsule is a soluble shell used for the delivery of drugs. The Latin word capsŭla is the diminutive of capsa , a term that can be translated as “box” and which is the etymological antecedent of the concept of our language.

The medicine it contains and the group formed by the envelope and the drug are also called capsules. For example : “The doctor prescribed me some capsules to combat heartburn,” “Please take the blue capsules to grandma and tell her she should take them before dinner,” “I'm tired of pills and capsules.”

Capsule in biology

The notion of capsule is also used in other ways. It can be the packaging that protects a cap and the cover in charge of covering various parts of a body.

Regarding this last meaning, the renal capsule can be mentioned. This membrane insulates the kidney and provides protection against possible blows or infections. The renal capsule covers the renal cortex, which is the envelope of the renal medulla.

The bacterial capsule , on the other hand, is a layer that covers the cell walls of bacteria . It is made up of polysaccharides and glycoproteins that waterproof the inside of the cell.

In the field of botany, a dried fruit is called a capsule that, when ripe, releases seeds. These capsules have at least a pair of carpels, each containing more than one seed .


The dried fruit that, when ripe, releases the seeds is known as a capsule.

The sector of a spaceship

The capsule is also the sector of the spacecraft that houses the crew members.

“Engineers reported that the capsule will dock with the space station in the next few hours” and “The capsule exploded a few seconds after detaching from the rocket” are expressions that show this use.

time capsule

Perhaps one of the most curious and interesting uses of this term is found in the concept of a time capsule , which is also known as a time box . It is a container that is built with the objective of storing objects and messages to be found by people of future generations. Although the idea arose in the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia , this name began to be used in 1937 .

As has happened with almost all types of content, the Internet has already turned time capsules into something digital, thanks to which interest in the concept has been renewed and it has been able to reach younger people. In digital capsules we can store text, video, audio recordings and photographs to be rediscovered in the future . Just as physical versions must be airtight and have good protection, digital versions must offer the security that they will be opened when the user wishes.

This concept is expanded when we find archaeological remains such as the mythical ruins of Pompeii , the city of the Old Empire that was "frozen" in time after an eruption of Vesuvius of unprecedented violence, in the middle of the year 79 AD. C. , turning it into an authentic and shocking museum.

There are two fundamental criteria according to which we can classify time capsules, and this offers us four very different classes: they may have been created intentionally or unintentionally , and their recovery date may have been determined or indeterminate .

a rock band

In 1997, an underground rock group called Cápsula emerged in the Argentine province of Buenos Aires , although curiously it is also known as Capsula , that is, without an accent in the first "a" .

The main genres they perform are indie rock, garage rock, alternative rock and psychedelic rock. Although they do not enjoy great success internationally, they have performed on stages of varying importance in Europe , South America , the United States and Mexico .