Definition of


photo camera

Canon is the name of a technology products company.

Certain precepts, provisions or catalogs are known as canons . This Latin word of Greek origin usually refers to a model with perfect characteristics ( "Acted according to the company's canons" ) and to periodic obligation payments that tax services or products . To cite a practical example: “The fee promoted by the Spanish government to tax digital products is rejected by a large part of the population.”

Canon, on the other hand, is a concept with multiple applications within the field of religion . By canon, for example, is known the regulation that a council of the Catholic Church establishes in relation to dogma, the catalog of sacred works for Catholic worship, the book that the bishop uses when giving mass and the part of the mass which concludes with the prayer of the Our Father .

Canon in beauty and law

The canon of beauty , on the other hand, encompasses the traits that a society considers attractive, desirable or beautiful. Just like fashion, these standards constantly change, and tend to return to their roots; A style of clothing worn in the 1950s is considered old until half a century later it becomes popular again.

For the law , the fee constitutes the price that must be paid in exchange for the rural lease of a property and the amount that must be contributed to the State periodically for a specific concession.

A technology company and an adjective linked to belonging

Canon Inc. , finally, is a renowned Japanese company founded in 1933 and specialized in the production of cameras, printers and other technological devices.

Among film and video game fans, on the other hand, it is very common to hear the term "canonical" to refer to those events that are considered part of the original story, which respond to the origins of a saga or series of titles, and that they were not included by force, either due to a change of scriptwriters or for market reasons. It refers to a piece of information whose membership in the universe of a given work cannot be denied in any way , no matter how excellent the argument used.


The concept of canon appears in the field of music.

The musical canon

In music , canon is understood as the polyphonic composition in which the voices are introduced successively, each one imitating the song that precedes it. The original voice is called a proposal; a certain number of measures away, the voices that are known as the response begin.

At the end of the 17th century, the German composer Johan Christoph Pachelbel wrote one of his most remembered works: the Canon in D major for three violins and basso continuo. This piece enjoys great popularity in both the academic and popular environments, and undoubtedly contributed considerably to the acceptance of the canon as a type of composition .

Other great composers, such as Haydn and Mozart, have written canons in their works, although Bach took this form to its splendor, which was lost with the arrival of romanticism , where the text and the message became more important than the melodies.

Classification according to type

Depending on the transformations that the voices undergo, several types of canon are distinguished, among which are:

* Circular canon : also called infinite, it is one where the repetition could never end, given its structure;

* Spiral canon : in each response, a modulation occurs with respect to the previous voice, making its execution very difficult, especially if it is a sung piece;

* Contrary motion canon : repetition is the inversion of each interval of the canonical theme, where in general the type of interval is maintained diatonically, which does not guarantee that the resulting tonal distance is the same. A clear example is taking the line DO RE and generating the canon DO SI, where the major second becomes a minor second , since between DO and RE there are two semitones and between DO and SI, only one.