Definition of



The completion of an exchange requires an agreement between the parties.

An exchange is an exchange : it consists of giving something in exchange for something else. This exchange can involve all types of elements, from objects to animals or human beings.

For example: "At this fair, used book exchanges are carried out" , "The government is promoting a bond exchange with the aim of refinancing the public debt" , "The two teams analyze the possible exchange of their figures" .

Regarding the etymology of the term exchange , it is known that it comes from the Latin Cambiore , which can be translated as "exchange, change, change", a verb that was supposedly first used by Apuleius, the most prominent Roman author of the 2nd century. Apparently, its most remote origin is found in the Celtic language or Greek.

When an exchange is made

Generally, an exchange is made when one of the parties is interested in something that the other party has and vice versa. Suppose that a fan of The Beatles is given an album by Justin Bieber , an artist he does not like. In turn, a fan of the Canadian artist has several albums by the British band in his home that he never listens to. These two guys can make an exchange: one will hand over Bieber 's album in exchange for a Beatles album.

As you can see, an exchange always involves two simultaneous actions. One person gives something and receives another thing, which in turn is given by the other party to obtain possession of the first individual.


An exchange may involve the exchange of two objects.

An action under pressure or threat

Sometimes exchanges are carried out due to pressure or threats . A kidnapper who takes hostages and locks himself in a building can negotiate with the police to exchange some of the captives in exchange for food or a telephone, to name a few possibilities.

The exchange of prisoners is also a common mechanism in negotiations between guerrilla or terrorist groups and armies, or even between two States that are in conflict.

Exchanges with criminals

To resolve a police investigation, detectives usually accept certain exchange proposals with the criminals they are pursuing, since this often serves to generate trust in them and thus access the information they seek. It is known that not all cases can be closed with zero percent failure: when dealing with very powerful and dangerous people it is always necessary to find a balance between expectations and possibilities.

Big criminals do not reach the highest positions in their hierarchy overnight; In fact, many of them start out as good people, who work for their country's forces, and go awry at a certain point in their lives, which gives them a volume of information about the behind-the-scenes of the law that they It is ideal for carrying out your business.

For this reason, when an investigator corners a major criminal and demands that he surrender, he usually has some resource up his sleeve to escape unscathed, some information of great importance to the other, something so valuable that it can lead to him being let them go free . Regardless of whether the detective accepts the exchange of information for freedom, he must always make a sacrifice.

Driver's license validity

In some countries, foreigners can apply for a driving license without having to pass the exams as long as they have their country's license. This procedure is known in Spain as exchange of permits and is available for residents who come from Argentina, Chile, the Philippines, Morocco and Peru, among other countries.

As expected, the authorities must carry out an investigation to ensure the validity of the document.