Definition of



The procedure carried out to open a channel is called channeling.

Channeling is the act and result of channeling . This verb (channel), meanwhile, refers to the opening of a channel .

The channel concept has several uses. It may be a body conduit, a path through which a fluid circulates, or an artificially created channel to conduct or use water, for example.

The concept in genetics and electricity

The Scottish biologist Conrad Hal Waddington , on the other hand, was responsible for coining the notion of canalization in the field of genetics . The ability of a genotype to generate the same phenotype regardless of changes in the environment is called canalization.

If we focus on electricity, channeling refers to the establishment of a pipe or a similar structure to protect the cables . This channeling involves creating a conduit in which electrical wiring is placed.

Given the risk of coming into contact with electricity for living beings, channeling is a fundamental procedure for the safety of any building or construction on public roads. The material of the channel must be insulating, so that from the outside it is impossible to receive shocks when touching it; It must also be waterproof and resistant to heat and physical wear.

On the other hand, the channeling of electrical cables can also have an aesthetic objective : in a home or an office, for example, cables that (for various reasons) cannot be passed inside the building structure are usually channeled through different products that cling to the walls with nails or glue and that match the color of the walls to disguise their presence as much as possible.

Spiritual channeling

Spiritual channeling , finally, is a supposed supernatural ability that would allow a subject to establish communication with spiritual entities or with beings that are not in the physical world.

The task of the individual or channeler, according to this belief, is to channel information from a different dimension. Let us not forget the meaning of the concept of channel in the field of communication: "physical conduit that allows the circulation of the message"; for example: air .

Now, in the case of communication with spirits, the person who connects the living with the dead becomes the channel itself , so that both parties can receive the other's messages. In particular, it is believed that it is the living who need their help, since our words reach the afterlife without the need for a seance.

As with other disciplines outside of science, spiritual channeling lacks respect or prestige, since most people do not believe that it is possible to communicate with the dead. The big problem is that there are so many scammers , since, if there really is someone with this special ability, they get them confused in a sea of ​​scams and tarnish their reputation before the general public.

The channeling of an individual

Faced with these meanings of channel, the idea of ​​channeling also has multiple meanings. This is the name given to the action carried out to introduce a liquid into the bloodstream .

health care

Channeling a person makes it possible to introduce a medication or serum into their bloodstream.

By channeling a person, a pathway is established to their circulatory system. In this way, medications , serum or nutrients can be supplied to the patient.

Cannulation, in this sense, is an invasive technique that allows the administration of substances through a catheter or a needle that is inserted into a vein . Depending on the case, administration can be continuous or intermittent.