Definition of



Country is that linked to the countryside.

Country is an adjective from the Latin campestris that is used as a synonym for peasant and, therefore, refers to that or that belonging to or belonging to the field .

For example: “Country clothing adapts to the usual tasks carried out in a rural environment” , “I would like to spend the weekend in a country house, surrounded by animals and crops” , “Country life is much more sacrificed” . “than you think: you have to get up before 6 in the morning and you only finish your work at dusk.”

Applied to a meeting, a meal or a party , the country adjective refers to what is celebrated in the countryside : “The country lunch included lamb, pork and other delicacies” , “The singer will crown her marriage with a country celebration that will include shows of dressage” , “The main landowners in the area met at a camp meeting where they debated what position to take in the face of the new government decisions” .

country life

The countryside, in short, is everything that takes place in the countryside or is linked to it . One can speak, therefore, of country activity , country custom , etc.

Although there are prejudices against life in the countryside and a lot of ignorance that leads to false assumptions, such as that people who do not live in the city tend to be illiterate or care little about educating themselves, it is also known that being in contact with the Nature has undeniable benefits for our body and mind.

First, country life often comes with a lack of concern for fashion trends, as exposure to large groups of people and what they will say does not occur far from densely populated areas. This may seem negative to those who are obsessed with having the latest, but it is a breath of fresh air for those who cannot stand being judged for everything they say, how they dress, and the age of their belongings.

On the other hand, although working the land is more physically demanding than sitting in an office for 8 hours, the mental exhaustion is much less and just sleeping is enough to regain energy; In the city, people increasingly need vitamin supplements and “miracle” medications to help them endure day-to-day life.

Food is another of the fundamental points that is usually of better quality in a rural environment, since it is very normal to have the possibility of growing fruits and vegetables, avoiding the need to buy products that have been refrigerated or that have gone through chemical processes. .


Rural activities are usually based on the exploitation of the soil.

Connection with origins

A country landscape is relaxing in itself and invites us to think and connect with our origins. Human beings tend to believe that we are superior to the rest of the living species, forgetting that we are part of a whole , of the same planet, which feeds us and selflessly offers us endless resources for our well-being.

City life is not necessarily bad, nor country life undeniably good; Both experiences can be improved by taking the best of the other. In our evolutionary state we need a health system to overcome certain disorders, which is why it is convenient for us to be very well connected; On the other hand, growing our own food and contact with nature brings great benefits to anyone who wants to get closer to themselves.

Other uses of the term country

Campestre , on the other hand, is the name of a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais , in Brazil . Its population exceeds 22,000 inhabitants, most of whom are dedicated to livestock and coffee plantations.

It should be noted that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) also mentions a definition of country as an ancient dance from Mexico .