Definition of



A grade is the result of an evaluation.

The act of qualifying something or someone is known as qualification . This verb, as can be seen from its definition, means to evaluate and rate the qualities or capabilities of an object or individual, to make a value judgment or to establish the level of sufficiency of the knowledge that students demonstrate when taking exams or certain exercises.

The concept of qualification, therefore, is associated with that of evaluation , which refers to the act of estimating, considering, appreciating, evaluating or calculating the value of something. Thus, an evaluation constitutes an option to rate the skills and performance of students or employees , for example: "I have been analyzing the evaluation report and I am not satisfied, I think you could contribute much more to the company" , "Julio obtained a ten in the mathematics evaluation .

The qualification, then, could be understood as the result of an evaluation . The score obtained in the exam or any other type of test is known by the same name: "The highest grade in the course was seven points," "My grade was not enough to pass the subject."

The academic qualification

In school matters, we have to emphasize that the grades for students in Spain range from 0 to 10 and those need at least a 5 to be able to pass the exam or test in question. Thus, it is called Outstanding when they obtain a 9 or a 10, Notable when it is a 7 or an 8, a Good when it achieves a 6, a Sufficient when it is a 5 and an Insufficient when the grade is less than the aforementioned 5.

This scale or establishment of grades is different for each country. Thus, for example, in Argentina it ranges from 1 to 10 and students in a specific subject need to obtain at least a 7 to consider that they have successfully passed the test established by the teacher.


Grades are important in education.

The term in everyday life

Beyond a formal evaluation or exam, qualification, in the sense of establishing a judgment, is a notion that is used in everyday life at all times.

When a person decides to buy a car and compares between several models and brands, what they are doing, in short, is evaluating each vehicle to decide which one to buy according to the rating they give to each one. It is not necessary for the buyer to evaluate the car by means of a score but, in practice, he will end up purchasing the one that he rated best according to his preferences.

Movie Rating

In the cinematographic field, the term that concerns us now is also used. Thus, it is common to hear about film rating , an expression that defines that the different films are organized by categories based on the age of the audience to which they are directed.

In this sense, we have to emphasize that in Spain, for example, we find productions that are suitable for everyone; others that are not recommended for children under 7 years of age; those that are not recommended for children under 12, 16 or 18, or the so-called X movies. The latter are those works that are strictly prohibited for all those people who are not of legal age.