Definition of



A calculation is a computation that is carried out through a mathematical operation.

The word calculus comes from the Latin term calculus ( "stone" ) and refers to the counting, enumeration or research carried out through a mathematical exercise . The concept is also used as a synonym for conjecture .

The most widespread use of the term is found in the field of logic or mathematics , where the calculation consists of an algorithm (a set of pre-established instructions) that allows us to anticipate the result that will come from certain data that is known in advance. The etymological origin of the word has to do with the rocks that were used in ancient times to perform this type of calculations.

For example: «Have you analyzed the balance sheets ? I think some sales calculations are done wrong" , "If my calculation is correct, this month we will earn more than a thousand dollars" , "A quick calculation allowed Luis to estimate that the losses will not be that great" , "According to Javier's calculation "We have to put up one hundred pesos each to rent the room."

Types of calculations

Among the different types of calculations, we can mention algebraic calculation (which uses numbers and letters that appear to replace quantities) and arithmetic calculation (which only uses numbers and certain signs that act by convention).

In economics , essential calculation, unlike traditional calculation methods, is focused outward and forward -looking. While conventional calculations are based on the internal aspects of a company, taking into account the number of units and the costs that existed in the past; The essential calculation analyzes the conditions of the environment, the technology, the forms of organization and the budget that must be available ( costs ) in the future.

The essential calculation seeks for the company to optimally integrate into the environment so that its performance can take place not only in the present, but also in the future, so that the force of attraction on supplementary factors in the production chain grows. It should be noted that the essential method attempts to adapt to the complex action of profitability from a general approach, looking at the environment and taking advantage of resources today to ensure a satisfactory future for the company.


Stones can cause pain in the back area.

The term in medicine

A stone is also an accumulation of some type of substance that generates a type of stone in the kidneys, the bladder (either from bile or urine) or in the salivary glands. Its formation and exit from the body can cause various disorders, such as cramps that cause great pain, problems urinating, or bleeding in the urine.

For example, kidney stones are a solid formation of small crystals that lodge in either the kidney or the ureter and are usually hereditary (in many cases they occur in premature babies). In other cases they can develop in adulthood, when one has urine composed of certain substances ( calcium and oxalate ), which form those tiny crystals that later become called stones. It can take anywhere from weeks to several months for these to form.

Substances such as oxalate are present in foods consumed, such as spinach, and in some vitamin supplements. On the other hand, if you suffer from diseases in the small intestine , it is more likely that stones will appear later.

Most common calculations

They are much more common in men over 20 years of age, however women also suffer from them, especially those who suffer from urinary disorders . In these cases, so-called struvite stones usually occur, which can be extremely harmful, up to obstructing the kidneys, ureters and even the bladder, which is why it is recommended that at the first symptoms you go to a specialist.

The most common stones in men are uric acid stones and, although they are absolutely treatable, the person who suffers from them also requires that he consult with his doctor.

The most relevant symptom of this type of condition is intense abdominal pain, on the side of the back, in the groin or testicles, the appearance of which is sudden and which can also disappear suddenly. Depending on the type of stone suffered, one or another treatment will be required; only in cases of extreme danger is it necessary to perform surgery .