Definition of



Openwork can consist of making holes or holes in a metal or other material for aesthetic purposes.

Openwork is the task that is carried out on a fabric or fabric with a needle, making the threads come together or removing some. In this way a kind of imitation of lace is carried out.

In knitting, the ornamentation that is made by decreasing or increasing stitches to develop holes that allow creating a drawing is called openwork. Also known as openwork is the technique that consists of making holes or holes in metal, wood, paper or other material to draw.

Openwork in metal

The metal openwork technique is of great importance for artisans engaged in the manufacture of costume jewelry, as well as for jewelers who use precious metals. Typically, metals that are hammered include copper, silver, gold, nickel silver, and bronze (which is also called brass ).

Of all of them, the softest is silver, and it is one of the cheapest and easiest to obtain precious metals. For this reason, those who start with copper or bronze, for example, and then move on to silver feel an obvious improvement: in addition to their lower rigidity and ductility , jigsaws last longer and cause less noise during use.

Openwork is a technique that requires practice and patience, but not a lot of money if the cheapest materials are chosen; All you need is a suitable jigsaw, a board, a vise and disposable saws made especially for this task. Concentration is another requirement, since if we accidentally break one of the elements, we lose money and time, two treasures for any craftsman.


Draft is the depth to which a boat is submerged in the water.

The depth

Draft, on the other hand, is the depth to which a ship is submerged in the water . In other words: draft is the distance between the keel (the baseline) and the waterline. Average draft , bow draft or aft draft can be calculated.

The idea of ​​air draft , for its part, refers to the distance between the waterline and the highest point of the ship. As merchant ships can have several different load states, it has been necessary to establish two extreme air drafts to know the points between which it oscillates:

  • The air draft in ballast is the higher of the two. This is the one that reaches the ship when it is completely empty.
  • The air draft for maximum load , as its name indicates, is the lowest and the ship adopts it when it has the maximum possible load level.

Stalling in internal combustion engines

In internal combustion engines, stalling is the reduction in the speed of rotation or stopping of the engine that occurs suddenly and accidentally. Stalling can be caused by a mechanical or electrical problem, by excessive load growth, or because the engine does not receive the fuel or air it needs to maintain its operation.

In modern engines, manufacturers have managed to reduce the draft considerably thanks to the ECU and electronic injection. The ECU is the engine control unit and is responsible for managing various aspects of internal combustion . By electronic injection we mean the method in which the fuel is dosed with the help of electronic processes, so that consumption is optimal and the emission of polluting agents is reduced to a minimum.

The significance of something

Finally, draft can be the significance of something. In this case, the term is used as a synonym for importance .

For example: “We are working on a huge project that will change the lives of the neighbors,” “We need major reforms to make this institution more efficient.”