The Latin term capillus came into our language as hair . The concept is used to name hair : the fine filament of horny origin that develops in the skin of certain animals.
The idea of hair, in this way, can refer to one hair or a group of hairs. For example: "This afternoon I'm going to go get a haircut," "My son dyed his hair violet , " "Waiter! There's a hair in my soup .
Hair characteristics
Hair originates from a root and then extends into a shaft . It arises in a hair follicle on the scalp and is made of keratin . Thanks to the substances provided by the blood vessels, hair can grow.
Although hairs extend over almost the entire body, the notion of hair is usually limited to the hair that covers the head. The function of this hair is to protect the head and preserve body heat.
Its importance at a social level
Beyond the organic or physical function, hair also plays an important social role since it has a great influence on personal aesthetics . A person can grow their hair as a symbol of rebellion or adherence to a certain group (such as the hippie movement); You can even eliminate it altogether for the same purpose.
Depending on tastes and social impositions, hair care can occupy a very important part of personal hygiene or be practically insignificant. For example, many people decide to invest money and time in moisturizing and revitalizing products to have shiny, silky hair, while others simply wash it routinely.
One of the ideas that fuels machismo in many parts of the world is that only women can or should wear long hair, although fortunately more and more men and women are liberating themselves and wearing the look they really want to have.
Combing your hair is a very healthy activity, both to massage the scalp and to get rid of dead hair that has fallen off. Unlike what some people fear, excessive hair loss seen at certain times of the year is not a sign of imminent baldness, but rather part of the natural hair renewal process.
angel hair
In some countries, it is known as angel hair , on the other hand, a type of pasta that is made with corn starch, corn flour and water . These are very thin noodles that take no more than four minutes to cook. Although they can be eaten accompanied with different sauces, angel hairs are also used to make soups.
This same term, angel hair , can have a completely different meaning. In Spain , for example, this name refers to a cayote or pumpkin candy that is made by caramelizing the fibers of the fruit pulp. Depending on the country and region, Curcubita ficifolia (alcayota, chiverre, cidra cayote, or victoria), Sechium edule (chayote) or Curcubita maxima (giant pumpkin or pumpkin) is used.
To make angel hair, it is necessary to cook the pulp in syrup until thin golden threads form. Some recipes call for the same amount of pumpkin as sugar. Other ingredients are usually cinnamon and lemon juice, which serve to improve the aroma of the mixture.
In Spain , sweet angel hair is widely used to fill cakes and pastries, such as empanadillas, Majorcan ensaimadas and cocas. It is also a fundamental component of bayonese (also known as Cortadillo de cidra ), a sweet made with puff pastry that is usually served in rectangular portions.