Definition of



The warrior who rode a horse was known as a knight.

Knight , from the Latin caballarĭus , is a person who is on horseback or who rides . Since, in ancient times, the person who rode a horse belonged to a certain social class, the concept acquired various connotations and meanings.

In the Middle Ages , cavalry was an armed institution that served a king or feudal power . Knights, therefore, were warriors who rode horses and carried weapons such as spears or swords. For example: "King Edward's knights are approaching the town" , "An enemy knight killed the prince" , "I will not let my daughter marry a knight of Bath" .

Knights used to receive land or money as compensation for their service. Typically, the knight was a nobleman who started out as a page and squire and was then promoted by his superiors to knighthood. Upon reaching this rank, you had to swear allegiance and pledged to be courteous and brave. The knight, therefore, had to respect a code of conduct .

Knights of the Order of the Temple

Throughout history there have been many knights who have played a fundamental role in it. Thus, for example, we could highlight the Knights Templar who, as their name indicates, belonged to the Order of the Temple, of a military and Christian nature.

The function they had was to protect the lives of all Christians who, from Europe, decided to travel to the Holy Land, to Jerusalem. For approximately two centuries, these knights carried out this work from its foundation in the year 1118, although the Order was not approved by the Catholic Church until the year 1129.

The great military preparation of these men as well as their bravery were two of the main characteristics that identified them. However, at the image level they were clearly recognized by wearing a white cape on which a red cross was represented.


A gentleman is a courteous man.

The legend of King Arthur

Likewise, we cannot overlook other highly relevant gentlemen. We are referring to those who made up King Arthur's mythical round table. They are the protagonists of a medieval legend that established the creation of an order of chivalry from Brittany that was founded by the monarch , once he took possession of the throne and founded what would become the kingdom of Camelot.

The fact that that table was made up of the most distinguished knights of the time as well as that it was round so that no one could establish himself as leader are two of the singularities of this legend.

The knight as someone courteous and noble

By extension, the notion of gentleman began to be used in reference to the person of nobility , who displays his courtesy and solidarity : "John is a true gentleman: he always brings me flowers and chocolates and opens the car door for me , " I'm sorry that Miguel is such an ungentleman , "I like that men are still gentlemen and treat women like ladies."

Gentleman is also a term of courtesy to refer to a man , which is a similar use to the term sir: "Excuse me, gentleman, but this table is reserved" , "Gentleman, how can I help you?" , "Go up to the gentleman sitting next to Marta and ask him if he would like something to drink."