Definition of


Alternative path

A bypass allows an alternative route to bypass a blockage.

Bypass is a word from the English language that is also often used in our language, although its correct spelling in Spanish is baipás . This term allows us to name, in its broadest sense, an alternative route that is installed in the system to avoid a blockage or barrier .

The most frequent use of the term is in medicine . The surgical intervention that consists of creating a channel in the body to help circulation is known as bypass, since the duct is responsible for diverting blood .

Types of valve bypass

Valve bypass , in this sense, consists of bypassing an artery that is clogged or damaged so that blood can circulate elsewhere. A portion of another blood vessel may be taken or an artificial tube may be included to act as a bridge and allow circulation to remain adequate despite the clogged artery.

When the bypass takes place in the heart , it is called a coronary bypass . What is usually done in these cases is to link the aorta artery with another vessel in the coronary area that is not affected by the blockage. The first coronary bypass was performed by René Favaloro ( 19232000 ), an Argentine doctor. It should be noted that, when the coronary bypass is completed without complications, the patient can return to their normal life with a better life expectancy.

In the same way, we cannot forget that there is what is known as aortofemoral bypass , which consists of the placement of a graft or artificial tube with the aim of improving blood circulation through the aorta or its surroundings because they are blocked or simply because they are narrow

This intervention is also called a bi-femoral aorto bypass and it is necessary to carry it out when the aforementioned situation is bringing with it the appearance of gangrene, sores that do not completely heal, as well as scaly skin and lack of life.

It is true that this surgical operation involves a certain severity and may be surprised by the appearance of a series of complications due to situations such as infections, the patient's advanced age, his or her obesity, or high blood pressure on his part.


A surgical intervention that contributes to blood circulation is called bypass.

A division of the stomach

A gastric bypass , on the other hand, involves creating a split in the stomach.

The food that the patient consumes after the intervention will thus be stored in the smallest part. The patient, therefore, will be satiated with a smaller amount of food than he or she was consuming, which will help him or her lose weight.

Movie "Bypass"

We cannot ignore either that there is a film titled "Bypass" . It is a 2012 Spanish romantic comedy, starring Gorka Otxoa , Bárbara Goenaga , Sara Cózar and Mikel Losada .

Aitor Mazo y Patxo Tellería son los directores de esta producción centrada en la figura de un joven economista que tiene una novia pero que, por compasión al creer que va a morir, le dice a un antigua amiga de la infancia que está enamorado de ella. Una declaración que la realiza por lástima, pero lo que sucederá es que deberá hacerle frente pues la chica consigue recuperarse. Y así surge un triángulo amoroso de lo más complicado.