Definition of



A mailbox allows you to deposit letters and various documentation.

A mailbox is a place where letters and other documentation can be deposited. The term refers to the opening through which the envelopes are introduced and to the box where they fall.

For example: "Look if there is an envelope in the mailbox" , "I think the neighbors are not at home: their mailbox is full of letters" , "Yesterday I discovered a child trying to put his hand in the mailbox" .

Operation of a mailbox

Mailboxes are generally installed at the entrance to a home . In this way, postal service workers ( postmen ) can deposit correspondence in them. It is also common for advertisements to be left in mailboxes.

Mailboxes have a deposit or box that is closed with a key . This protects private correspondence. Those who do not have this key can only put papers in the mailbox, but not extract anything from it.

The so-called mailboxes , on the other hand, are installed on public roads. People can deposit their correspondence in them, which is then picked up by the postal service and taken to its destination. Since the popularity of email, these mailboxes became almost obsolete.

The Internet , in fact, led to the appearance of virtual mailboxes where email messages are stored. These mailboxes work with a key or password .


Mailboxes are located on public roads.

Advantages of email

Nowadays, many children are unaware of the traditional meaning of the term mailbox, just as happened with the arrival of the compact disc (CD) and DVD, products that left behind their old predecessors (the vinyl record and the video cassette or VHS). , respectively). Also in a similar way, the virtual mailbox is not a mere digital representation of its ancestor, but offers new possibilities to its users.

One of the most obvious advantages of the email box over the physical one is the possibility of accessing it from anywhere in the world: it is enough to have a device capable of connecting to the Internet and remembering the access data (username and the secret key) to review our virtual correspondence.

In addition to this geographic flexibility, there is also the capacity of the box, which incalculably exceeds that of a traditional mailbox: we no longer have to worry about checking it periodically for fear that the tenth letter will force the postman to leave the rest outside. the box, but we can store tens of thousands of unread messages, or read ones, and access them whenever we want, wherever we want.

Of course, the physical mailbox is still useful for parcel delivery, something that we could in no way manage in the virtual world. However, even commercial transactions have moved into the realm of networks to leave behind face-to-face and telephone purchases.

voice mail

Voicemail , finally, is a device whose function is to record spoken messages. They are used in telephony when the recipient of the call does not answer, and the caller has the possibility of recording a message .

In today's phones , voicemail is nothing more than a service that we access for free after dialing a number, usually short. Unlike answering machines used in the past, today messages are stored on remote servers belonging to telephone companies, so we can listen to them regardless of our location.

A particular feature of voicemail is that many take advantage of it to add a touch of humor to their communications through their greetings, in which they can devise all kinds of hilarious scripts, even accompanying them with music and sound effects; Of course, other people limit themselves to the classic “I can't help you right now; Please leave your message and I will call you as soon as possible .