Definition of


Search box

The idea of ​​a search engine is often used in the field of computing.

Searcher is one or that which searches . The verb search , for its part, indicates the action of doing something to find someone or something or doing what is necessary to obtain something.

For example: "The writer defined himself as a seeker of certainties in the midst of a sea of ​​uncertainties" , "The gold seekers came to the town after the discovery of the ship on the seabed" , "I am a seeker of opportunities: I explore the stores from wholesalers and bought the products that I think will be successful in my neighborhood .

Search engine in computing

Currently, the concept of search engine is usually used to name the computer system that searches for files hosted on web servers through a program that allows them to analyze the content automatically to find matches.

A search engine, therefore, acts at the request of the user who specifies a term or phrase that he or she intends to find on a computer network, such as the Internet . The terms entered into a search engine are known as keywords .

Once the analysis is complete, the search engine presents a page with results that compiles links to various websites that contain the keywords in question. Some search engines also include a directory , with websites organized by category.

Search engines that allow simultaneous searches on multiple search engines are known as metasearch engines . These tools have a structural system that allows them to analyze the results returned by each search engine.

The most used search engine in the world is Google ; For this reason, the neologism google is often used as a synonym for searching. In the same way, when talking about the positioning of a website (the ease with which a user who is unaware of its existence can find its address through a search), Google is the first engine whose requirements are taken into account to organize the content.

Search page

Google is the most used search engine worldwide.

Positioning of a site

Let's see below some tips to improve the positioning of a site:

  • The fundamental point to achieve good positioning is to generate original content that is interesting and useful for readers, and that its importance transcends time. It is known that the pages that achieve the best performance are those that offer tutorials or analysis of relevant topics , given that they continue to receive visits months and years after their creation.
  • Choose the right keywords , which can be achieved through different methods. First of all, it is necessary to put yourself in the place of potential readers, to try to anticipate the searches they will carry out. On the other hand, there are many tools, both free and paid, that analyze our content and its keywords to help us improve it, based on reports of real Internet activity.
  • Include keywords in the meta description (the short text that appears below the URL in a search result) as well as in the page address. If we write an article about the future of video games with the keywords "future" and "video games", it will be better positioned with a URL similar to "" and a meta description like the following " An analysis of the Industry to try to predict the future of video games .
  • Use images and videos, taking certain precautions. First, never use protected content without obtaining the appropriate permissions (in some cases, authors allow us to use their creations if we mention the source at the bottom of our articles). On the other hand, given that it is difficult for search engines to analyze this type of files, we must not forget to use the "title" and "alt" tags to describe them, always including the keywords. The latter is also useful when, for certain reasons, browsers fail to load multimedia elements as they display said description instead.