Definition of



Owls resemble owls.

An owl is an animal that belongs to the strigid clade.

It is a nocturnal and predatory bird , characterized by having feathers that look like ears . This peculiarity allows owls to be differentiated from owls and other similar species.

Owl Characteristics

It is worth knowing a series of identifying features of this animal, such as the following:

• Although it prefers to live in wooded areas, it can adapt to any place.

• Stands out for its speed.

• It has great vision and a developed sense of hearing, which is why it is even capable of hunting at night.

• Their diet is varied, depending on the season of the year and also on the enclave where they live. However, it usually feeds on mice, worms, rabbits or spiders that it captures on its own.

The owl, which usually measures about eighteen inches, has bulging eyes and a curved beak. Their characteristics, however, can be quite varied, since birds belonging to different genera are known as owls.


Owls are birds of prey.

Different species

Among them we can mention the Bubo bubo or eagle owl , which lives in various European, African and Asian regions. Throughout history, the eagle owl used to be found in different habitats , from forests to tundras to very arid spaces. However, for various reasons, their area of ​​influence was reduced and now it is common for them to be confined in mountains.

The eagle owl, which can be bred for falconry , is a hunting animal that feeds on other birds (including owls) and mammals such as small foxes, hares, squirrels and rabbits.

Another genus of owl is the one known as the American eagle owl or great horned owl , which lives throughout the American continent. It can weigh about a kilogram and, like the aforementioned Bubo bubo, it is usually used in falconry.

Owl collecting

It is interesting to note that there is what is known as ululophilia. This can be defined as the collection of handmade owls and owls carried out by many people and which in recent years has become widespread for two fundamental reasons: because it has a low cost, since the pieces are usually small and of little value, and because this animal is associated with magic and protection.

Specifically at this time, in a high percentage of cultures, the owl is also identified with courage, power, intuition, wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. Specifically because of these last three values, it is used both as a symbol of education and as a mascot in the different educational graduations that take place.

Other considerations

Due to the nocturnal habits of these animals, in informal language it is often said that a person is an owl when they work or carry out activities at night . For example: "I have been an owl for eight months and cover the night shifts at the hospital."

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore that there is a film titled "Gray Owl." In 1999, this film was released, directed by Richard Attenborough, in which Pierce Brosnan plays an Englishman who lived in the countryside for many years without anyone's company.