Definition of



In the Middle Ages, the jester was dedicated to entertaining the king.

Jester is a term that has its origins in the Italian language. The concept allows you to name a character similar to a clown whose purpose is to provoke laughter and entertain the public.

In ancient times, jesters had the function of entertaining the days of monarchs . The jester resorted to jokes and pranks of all kinds with the intention of providing entertainment. That is why his presence was common at court events.

The jesters, in any case, tended to be people with physical abnormalities , which is why they provoked laughter through their bodies and their gestures, beyond what they expressed in their routines. It could be said that, on many occasions, the kings laughed at the jesters, and not at their actions.

The term jester today

Today, the notion is not used much. The character dedicated to entertaining parties and developing comic shows is called the clown . Jester, on the other hand, is used as an adjective to describe that person who usually causes fun , whether on purpose or unintentionally .

For example: "If you want to get a job, you have to behave seriously in interviews: no one wants to hire a buffoon" , "The actor expressed his intentions to work in a dramatic film, since he intends to show that he is more than a buffoon" , "Don't be a buffoon, take off that mask and go back to class."


Today a jester can be a clown or a comic artist.

Other uses of the concept

Another use of the concept of jester that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes is associated with the idea of ​​peddler . A peddler is a person who sells goods informally and without a fixed space, which in some countries is known as a street vendor .

For geology , the jester is a formation found in beach areas. It is a crack that acts as a chimney that opens in cliffs and is linked to marine chasms (cavities that connect with the outside through vertical conduits or wells or on steep slopes and that arise from karst erosion, or that is, by chemical weathering).

As with other natural formations , the jester attracts many people because it offers a truly impressive picture and a spectacle when the sea water comes forcefully to the surface, as if it were a geyser of cold water . For this expulsion to occur, the sea must be at high tide (or high tide), that is, the water must have reached its maximum height in the tidal cycle; At that moment, if the water hits strongly against a cliff that has a jester, then it will force upwards, emitting a very particular sound.

This sound is similar to snorting, a peculiar noise that certain animals make when they are angry, and from this term the name jester is derived in this case, unlike its other meanings. It is worth mentioning that the jester's snort can be heard many kilometers away.

Training of a jester

The formation of a jester occurs due to the constant erosion of seawater against the karst reliefs, mainly the limestone cliffs, which holes in their lower part once it enters the weakest points and begins to dissolve the limestone. At the same time, it forms caves and galleries whose extension towards the interior can reach 100 meters .

It is interesting to note that jesters usually form in groups, although each one has a different power . Regarding their specific location, they are very common on the eastern coast of Asturias, in Spain , due to their geological characteristics such as fractures perpendicular to the sea and paleozoic limestone materials. Among the most famous jesters are those of Pría , Santiuste and Arenillas .