Definition of



Fortune is associated with favorable luck.

Bonaventure is a term that refers to a person's positive happiness or fortune . According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the concept can be mentioned in a single word ( buenaventura ) or in two ( buenaventura ).

The idea of ​​fortune refers to luck : the adverse or favorable circumstances that surround something or someone. Events can be chained in different ways depending on luck. In any case, it must be taken into account that, for many people, luck does not exist : this position maintains that all events have causes and effects that can be explained rationally.

Analyzing the notion of luck

There are many ways to understand luck. Its operation is generally attributed to chance (that is, to chance), although it can also be linked to supernatural issues or faith .

Science , on the contrary, explains that what is attributed to luck has to do, in reality, with probabilities . If a man dies because lightning strikes him in the head , it is possible that many people will refer to his bad luck. A scientist, on the other hand, will indicate that dying in this way is probable since there are rays that reach the surface and can impact human beings, although that probability is negligible.

In this framework, good fortune can be taken as a favorable sample of chance or as the result of divine action , but also as a simple matter derived from mathematical probabilities .


The idea of ​​good fortune may allude to palmistry.

A person's fortune

There are certain events that are usually explained by fortune. When someone wins the lottery , it is usually said that it is due to their good fortune since the probability of doing so is very small.

In a similar but inverse way, if a soccer player is about to score but, when shooting, the ball hits one stick, rolls down the line, hits the other stick and finally does not enter the arc (goal), many will talk about his bad luck. Logically , the explanation lies in the fact that the player simply did not kick well, since with proper aim he would have scored the goal.

Many times believing in good fortune works as a stimulus or impulse for certain subjects: those who feel lucky act with energy and decision since they think they cannot fail. At the other extreme, those who believe themselves to be unlucky tend to adopt fearful behavior .


Buenaventura can also be used to name the practice of telling the fortune of an individual by analyzing the stripes they have in their hands . This ritual is usually known as palmistry .

This action is often referred to as “reading fortunes.” Just as those who rely on scientific criteria assure that luck does not exist, they do not consider it feasible to predict the future. There is no evidence of any kind to support that information of that kind can be found in the palms of the hands.