Definition of



A compass is a device that points magnetic north.

A compass is an instrument that, thanks to having a magnetic needle that rotates on an axis and points to magnetic north, allows you to determine the directions of the Earth's surface. The term has its etymological origin in the Italian word bussola .

Historians believe that the compass was invented in China during the 9th century . At first it consisted of a magnetic needle floating in a container of water, although, over time , the size of the device was reduced so that it could be transported more comfortably. This is how the axis on which the needle rotates emerged and a compass rose (also known as a nautical rose ) was added to calculate directions.

The compass today

Compasses have remained almost unchanged over time. Some, for example, began to include lighting. However, today, satellite navigation systems (such as GPS ) have surpassed compasses as they offer greater precision and more data. In any case, compasses continue to be used in the event of possible damage to the most complex systems and in those places where there is no electricity or the possibility of changing batteries.

It is important to keep in mind that the magnetic north to which the compass needle points is different from the geographic north and varies according to the region of the planet . At the poles , both north and south, compasses are useless since the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field converge there.

Those who undertake a journey or expedition must have, in short, different instruments and tools for orientation . Just as compasses are currently complemented by GPS, maps and other cartography elements that provide information on geographic coordinates are also necessary.

Any traveler or adventurer who goes hiking or mountaineering, entering forests and mountains, has to take all the necessary precautions to prevent the excursion from becoming an odyssey . Location cannot be trusted solely to GPS or phone as electronic devices can fail. That's why it's key to add a compass to your backpack. The same in the case of those who make a camp , tour the jungle or dare to venture into a desert .

Of course, beyond the survival kit , you must always organize the route or travel itinerary based on the instructions and regulations of the authorities. It is not possible to embark on an adventure in the middle of nature without following the regulations that regulate how to act inside a national park, a nature reserve or a rugged region.

The times of Marco Polo , Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama are long gone: today the captain of a ship has multiple advanced resources to guide a ship in the ocean . However, when advancing through unknown territory, common sense must prevail and precautions are never out of place.


Compasses are useful for explorers, although GPS devices are now commonly used.

Some types

We can refer to the well-known magnetic compass , which is one that is defined by being made up of several magnetized needles that rotate absolutely freely.

In the same way we find the gyroscopic compass which, as its name indicates, consists of a horizontal gyroscope that is responsible for determining the meridian .

Compasses in religion

There are several compasses that are very important and well-known and that have been relevant throughout time. This would be the case, for example, of the famous Jerusalem Compass , which is the one that Jews use to know in which direction the aforementioned Holy City is located and thus undertake their prayers facing that place.

Precisely, also within the religious field and with very similar characteristics to the previous one, we also find the so-called Qibla Compass . In this case, it is used by Muslims to know where Mecca is located and thus perform their prayers in the direction of it.


The operation of compasses is based on magnetism.

The term in cinema and in a metaphorical sense

In addition to all this, we have to make it clear that within the cinema there are several films that have the word that concerns us now in their title.

Specifically, one of the most important and most successful worldwide in recent years is “The Golden Compass” . In 2007 it was released, which is an adaptation of the first part of the fantastic literary saga called “His Dark Materials” , by Philip Pullman .

The concept of compass can also be used metaphorically to refer to a person or object that helps someone: “My wife is the compass that allows me not to deviate from my goal,” “The Bible is the compass that guides my steps.” ” .