Definition of



When something reflects light, it is called shiny.

According to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the term diamond can be used as an adjective or as a noun . The first meaning that appears in the dictionary refers to the qualification that that which shines receives.

The verb to shine , meanwhile, comes from the Italian word gloriare . It can be used to refer to what a body does that reflects or emits light , or to mention what is done by an individual who stands out for some quality.

shiny objects

We said that the adjective shiny can be linked to an object that has shine . This particularity is related to light : an element that, due to its characteristics, manages to reflect or emit it, is shiny.

Suppose a person cleans and polishes an oak table . Once he finishes his task, he notices that the sun's rays are reflected on the surface of the furniture. It can be said, therefore, that the table turned out brilliant.

Similarly, a car becomes shiny when it is washed and a wax or some other product is applied to beautify the body. If the vehicle is dirty, or if it has many impacts and scratches, it is difficult for it to shine.


A type of diamond is called brilliant.

Someone or something that stands out

Brilliant, on the other hand, can refer to someone or something that stands out due to its characteristics . If it is stated that Jorge Luis Borges was a brilliant writer, it is indicating that this author had a great talent for creating literary works.

It is common for great athletes to be described as brilliant: “Lionel Messi is a brilliant footballer” , “Michael Jordan was a brilliant basketball player” , etc. You can even point out a certain play or a particular skill in this way: “With a brilliant goal from Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal won 1-0 against Spain” , “LeBron James managed to develop a brilliant vision of the game and that is why He is the leader in assists on his team.”

The brilliant as a jewel

As a noun, the term brilliant names a diamond that is cut both on the underside and on the top. It should be remembered that a diamond is a precious stone that is formed from crystallized carbon.

In colloquial language, however, the idea of ​​brilliant can refer to a diamond or other precious stone that has considerable hardness and shows a noticeable brilliance. A common characteristic of all diamonds is that they have a shape similar to a cone , with numerous faces.

It is interesting to mention that the brilliant diamond is formed at a depth of more than 140 kilometers, under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure . Through volcano eruptions, these diamonds end up reaching the surface. Another possibility is to appeal to synthetic production, where natural conditions are imitated.

A story, a soap opera and a boat

Finally, we can find the notion of brilliant as a title or name in different areas. “Brillante” , for example, is a story by Mexican Carlos Fuentes that is part of his book “Carolina Grau” .

Between 1981 and 1982 , a Brazilian soap opera known in our language as “Brillante” was also broadcast. The series, which consists of 155 chapters, features Vera Fischer and Tarcísio Meira .

Brillante , finally, was a warship of the Spanish Navy. It was launched in 1753 and destroyed in 1790 in an accidental fire .