Definition of



The notion of breccia is used in geology.

The term gap , a derivation of the French word breka ( "broken" ), is used to name a break , gap or opening . The concept is usually used to refer to breaks in walls or walls. For example: "The gap in the fortress wall allowed the invaders to enter."

Breach, however, can be applied in various areas, such as a head wound or a break in the combat front. The word is also used in a symbolic sense to name the gap through which something begins to lose its certainty or security : "The president's explanation left a gap that was taken advantage of by the opposition to make strong criticisms."

Gap in geology

For geology , a breccia is a conglomerate that is formed with small fragments of rock held together by some type of natural cement. Depending on the formation process, we can speak of different types of breccia: a sedimentary breccia appears when stones, shells and other bodies were buried by very fine sediments that, after consolidating, imprisoned them (for example, tilite); A volcanic breccia , on the other hand, is one that is formed by the debris of volcanic rocks; A tectonic gap , finally, is formed when slip occurs between the two lips of a fault (as in the case of mylonite).

It is important to keep in mind that the conglomerate of the breccia is always formed by angular fragments larger than 2 millimeters, unlike the components of sand. There is the monogenic gap (with components of the same nature) and the polygenic gap (with elements of different types).


Sometimes the gap is associated with a break or separation. For example: the social gap.

Adverbial phrases with the concept

In addition to all this that we have explained, we can also make it clear that there are several adverbial phrases that make use of the aforementioned term that we are analyzing. Among them there is one that is used very frequently within the colloquial sphere. It is specifically about the expression "in the gap" . With it, what becomes clear is that someone is working or fighting for a specific issue.

In the same way there is also the verbal phrase "beat in the gap" . In this case, it has several meanings, the most used being the one that establishes that it means that someone is being pursued with the clear objective of taking them down.

Other uses of the term gap

However, we also have to establish that what is known as breccia marble exists. We can say that this is that type of marble that is fundamentally characterized by the fact that it is composed of fragments of different shapes but very angular that also have the peculiarity of having different colors that give it a different presence.

Under the term gap we also have to highlight the existence of a media that is titled in this way. We are referring to the weekly "Brecha" that was founded in 1985 in Uruguay and that in its pages addresses issues of both a political and cultural nature. It is important to emphasize that this publication has its origins in a previous weekly called "Marcha" that was closed in the 1970s by the government dictatorship of the time.