Definition of



The idea of ​​a storm can refer to different atmospheric phenomena.

Borrasca is a term that comes from the Late Latin borras , in turn derived from the Latin boreas . The first meanings that the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) includes in its dictionary refer to a storm , a tempest or a storm .

For example: "With this storm it is better not to go sailing," "The storm caused serious damage in the central area of ​​the country," "We have had a storm for three days: the crops will not withstand so much rain."

The concept

The idea of ​​a storm can be used to mention different atmospheric phenomena. In its broadest sense it refers to the combination of intense precipitation , gusts of wind and, sometimes, electrical activity .

A low pressure atmospheric zone is also called a storm, which usually causes the sky to become covered in clouds. Arctic, polar and extratropical cyclones and tropical storms originate from storms.


A storm is a storm or storm.

Types of storm

One of the possible classifications of this concept allows us to distinguish between thermal storm and dynamic storm . The first can be defined as the rise of an air mass when its temperature is considerably higher than that of its surroundings.

Simply put, a thermal storm occurs due to excess heat . Throughout its development, it is common for an intense degree of evaporation to occur, followed by condensation and, as an almost inevitable consequence, precipitation. In Spain , for example, they can be seen during the summer season in the interior of the continental territory, and they arrive there from the north of the African continent.

On the other hand, we have dynamic storms, which we can define as the rise of an air mass in the direction of the tropopause due to the pressure it suffers from other masses, in this case cold air, which manage to displace it. By tropopause we understand the highest limit of the troposphere, that is, the layer of the atmosphere that touches the Earth's surface and reaches up to 10 kilometers in altitude. Two jet streams section the tropopause, and their temperature does not vary from approximately -57 °C .

Subpolar phenomena

Dynamic storms fall into the group of subpolar phenomena. These are troughs (barometric depressions that can be seen in the middle of two high-pressure zones and whose graphic representation has the shape of a valley ) in the jet stream (air current that is characterized by its strength and narrowness, and is concentrated along a practically horizontal axis in the stratosphere or upper troposphere).

Other characteristics of dynamic storms are the following: they are associated with the Atlantic polar fronts, they cause rain and affect the weather, making it unstable. If we look once again at Spain with the purpose of providing real statistical data, this type of storm takes place in autumn, winter and spring; If we take into account everything stated so far, dynamic storms and thermal storms cover all seasons of the year.

Other uses of the term storm

In colloquial language, a storm is an unstable or risky situation that makes the development of a project or an activity difficult: "The manager's resignation left us in the middle of a storm, but we will get used to it," "Without external financial help." "We will not be able to overcome the storm," "For three years we have been from storm to storm."

The RAE , finally, indicates that storm can be used as a synonym for orgy (a party where vices and excesses abound): "In the early morning the meeting became a storm where there was no shortage of drugs and alcohol in abundance," "I woke up surrounded by naked people after an intense night of storm," "The storm stopped when the police arrived at the scene."