Definition of



The element that allows erasing is called an eraser.

The first meaning of the term eraser mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to that which erases . It should be noted that the verb delete refers to eliminating something, making it disappear .

An eraser, therefore, can be an object that allows you to erase what is written on a blackboard , blackboard or sheet of paper . In the case of blackboards, the eraser is an element that has a plastic or wooden part that serves as a handle and a felt that must be moved over what you want to erase. This way it is possible to eliminate the chalk or marker (felt-tip pen) strokes, depending on the case.

The eraser is also called an eraser : the utensil that allows you to delete the lines made with a pencil , pen or ballpoint pen.

The eraser as a sketch

Draft, on the other hand, can be a provisional version of a text or a drawing . It is a sketch that is in development and that its author is modifying until it reaches the definitive form that he intends to give it.

A writer can work for years on the draft of a novel. The author will add, delete and modify information at different times. Finally, when you are satisfied with the result, you can conclude your work .


A draft can be a sketch.

Different types

Each draft can have different characteristics, both in terms of its structure and its coding. Let's take the case of a person who embarks on writing a story and decides to start writing all the ideas that come to mind, regardless of the order within the chronology of the story; Your draft will probably be more like an outline than a narrative, with marginal notes and perhaps also drawings to help you remember certain facts.

At the other extreme is someone who, from day one, writes the story in the most orderly way possible, as if he were building the final version letter by letter. In this case, there is a greater chance that the draft can be understood by anyone. Needless to say, neither of them is the "correct path", but rather they are two of the many possibilities, and each person chooses the one that best suits their way of understanding and feeling art.

The virtual eraser

In various technological tools, the virtual folder where content is stored before being published or sent to a recipient is called a draft. Content management systems like Blogger and WordPress allow the user to save an entry as a draft to continue it later. An email can also be stored as a draft.

In these cases, the draft not only allows the person to take all the time they need to find the result they were looking for in their composition , but it also serves to deal with eventual power outages. Before the implementation of drafts in email boxes, for example, if the power went out before we had sent a message we would lose it forever; Needless to say, a situation like this brought immense frustration when the text had a considerable length or content that had arisen from spontaneous inspiration.

Nowadays it is common for both mailboxes and content management systems to offer the user the creation and saving of drafts automatically, so that they do not have to worry about these issues and can focus on the creative process. In some cases, thanks to having a draft it is possible to compare it with the current version of the document in case we have changed something that we want to recover. In this sense, the functionality is similar to that of a backup , also called a backup .