Definition of



Through the newsletter, a site can keep the interest of its subscribers alive.

The concept of bulletin , a diminutive of ballot , has several uses. With etymological origin in the Italian word bollettino , the term can refer to a publication that is dedicated to the dissemination of historical, scientific or other topics .


A newsletter or newsletter , meanwhile, is a periodic publication that usually focuses on a particular topic. Currently these bulletins, also known as newsletters , are usually distributed via email . Subscribers thus receive the content in their email account.

The most common practice is to offer the user the possibility of subscribing to the newsletter, for which they must fill out a form with their personal data and accept the general conditions of the site. Once this step has been completed, you begin to receive the newsletter periodically, with the option to unsubscribe as soon as you wish , without any further complications than clicking on a link and indicating the reasons that lead you to make such a decision.

The main objective of the newsletter is not to keep subscribers informed, but to keep alive the connection they have with the site, to prevent them from losing interest and stopping visiting it, from forgetting its existence. We live in an era characterized by excess information and competition : for every topic of interest there are dozens of sources, both in text and video, so the newsletter serves to increase the chances of a future visit after making contact. .

Disclosure of works and provisions

These newsletters are usually published by institutions or corporations. The Argentine Astronomy Association ( AAA ), for example, publishes a newsletter to publicize the work presented at its annual meetings. This entity was founded in 1958 and since then it has been responsible for publishing its own newsletter.

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) also has a bulletin. This document is considered among the most prestigious in the world in terms of public health.

Furthermore, the newspaper used to disseminate official provisions is called a bulletin. The Official State Gazette , to mention one of these instruments, is the official newspaper of Spain . It publishes provisions, decrees , laws, etc. Another bulletin of this type is the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic .

School newsletter

Lastly, the notebook where the grades obtained by a student are recorded is called a bulletin. Typically, in primary and secondary education, the educational establishment gives it to the student, who must have it signed by his or her parents.

School newsletter

At the end of each period, the student receives a report card with his or her grades.

Generally, the bulletin is updated at the end of each period, with the average grades for each subject, in addition to others that respond to the different regulations of each establishment, such as conduct and punctuality. The student receives it, takes it home for the parents or legal guardians to sign, and then returns it to school, where it remains until the end of the next period . When the year ends, however, you can keep it since the school keeps a record of your grades.

This resource is intended to inform the adults who are in charge of the student about his performance in all subjects so far, as well as any negative traits in his behavior , so that they can guide him toward change before it becomes too much. late. In an ideal case, after a first worrying report card, a process can begin that puts the student back on track and leads him to take responsibility for the rest of the year, until a general improvement is achieved.