Definition of



A broth made with leftovers is called bodrio.

A bodrio is a broth that was made with leftovers and that used to be given to the poor as charity, according to the first meaning of the concept mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The Germanic word brod , which can be accurately translated as “broth” , constitutes the etymological root of the term.

Already in the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​bodrio was used to refer to certain broths or stews , generally poorly seasoned. This is how they talked about pig slop , fish slop , etc.

Types of rubbish

Women who had just given birth or who had an advanced pregnancy, for their part, usually ate the parturient's mess , the recipe for which included milk, egg and sugar.

Pilgrims' mess or boba soup, on the other hand, was called the leftover food that the customers of a bar or restaurant did not eat and that was given to subjects in exchange for the performance of a song or the recitation of a poem. .


That which is boring can be described as rubbish.

Something tasteless or boring

Currently, the notion of rubbish is used in a pejorative sense to refer to something that is not well made or that is in bad taste . By extension, what is boring is classified as rubbish.

For example: “This soap opera is a mess! All the chapters are similar to each other and there is no intrigue” , “Critics agreed that the American filmmaker's new film is a mess” , “This party is a mess: let's better go somewhere else” .

A football game, a conference and a concert can also be mentioned as clunkers if they are not entertaining. This is a case like many others, in which we are faced with a term that currently has a practically vulgar or informal use and that originally referred to very different issues. On the other hand, it is not a word that is used in all Spanish-speaking countries or in all regions, which is why there are many people who have never heard it, neither with one meaning nor the other.

Synonyms of rubbish

As expected, there are synonyms in all these places where it is not used, and even where it is common, and with them it is possible to express the same thing with different degrees of formality.

In a country where the word rubbish is used to express that something is very boring, it is always possible to describe it with adjectives such as numbing, tedious or unbearable , among others; If we wanted to stay within the group of nouns, then we could well opt for torture, torture , martyrdom or suffering , although they are somewhat exaggerated in this context.

Use of the term in adolescence

Generally, we say that something is rubbish when we are forced to endure it, although it is also possible to use this noun to describe a work or task that we have momentarily approached with total freedom and that we have left incomplete, precisely because of not being able to tolerate it until the end. That said, its use is more common among young people than adults, precisely because of that force that usually characterizes us when we do not yet feel the weight of responsibility, and that allows us to complain about everything that does not adapt to our needs and tastes .

Students who are averse to literature may use this term to describe the books they are forced to read in school, just as those who hate mathematics may refer to trigonometry as rubbish. In any case, we must always be clear that these are opinions , subjective comments that in no way should be taken as absolute or unquestionable truth.