Definition of



He who is cross-eyed does not have his eyes aligned with each other.

The term cross-eyed comes from the Latin word versĭcus , derived from versus (which can be translated as "turned" ). Someone is said to be cross-eyed when they have strabismus : an abnormal arrangement of the eyes that causes the visual axes to not focus simultaneously on the same place.

A cross-eyed or strabismic subject, therefore, does not have his eyes aligned with each other . In this way, the person's binocular vision is deficient since they cannot fix both eyes on the same point, a peculiarity that translates into problems perceiving depth.

Consequences of strabismus

A human being can be born cross-eyed or acquire strabismus over the years. If the individual is congenitally strabismic or develops the condition in childhood, he or she may suffer from amblyopia . This visual disorder causes the neurological structures linked to vision to not develop properly, making it impossible to correct strabismus.

Regarding what happens so that the eyes of a cross-eyed subject do not have the normal alignment , it is a lack of coordination between the six muscles that are around each eye, which should always work together to achieve the correct focus. the objects. As expressed above, a cross-eyed person has difficulty getting both eyes to look at the same object.

This behavior on the part of the eyes means that the brain receives two different images, with different objects in focus, and then it cannot process them clearly. During childhood, it is possible to train the brain to ignore or suppress the image that comes from the weaker eye.


There are different treatments that allow the cross-eyed individual to overcome fixation problems.

Treatment of the cross-eyed individual

To determine if a child is cross-eyed and to discover which eye has fixation problems, coverage tests (covering one eye at a time) and light reflection tests on the cornea are carried out.

A cross-eyed person can be treated through the use of optical prisms, glasses (glasses), or patches. You can also resort to surgical intervention. Certain exercises , on the other hand, can help correct strabismus.

Possible causes

The cause of strabismus is very difficult to determine, and in fact is unknown in most cases. Congenital strabismus, which appears at birth or shortly after, is the most common of all. It is worth mentioning that generally the problem does not lie in a lack of strength in the muscle, but in the inability to control it .

In adults, the causes of strabismus are associated with different problems: diabetes (which leads to the disorder known as acquired paralytic strabismus ), Graves' disease , botulism, an eye injury, Guillain-Barré syndrome, an accident stroke, shellfish poisoning, vision loss, or traumatic brain injury.

On the other hand, if someone in the family suffers from strabismus, then this increases the chances of the descendants acquiring it. In general, any illness or injury that affects vision can become a contributing factor. In children, for example, one of the conditions that can cause crossed eyes is hyperopia (difficulty seeing close objects as clearly as distant ones).

Being cross-eyed and transcending the condition

It is important to note that the symptoms of strabismus, such as difficulty perceiving depth or differences in alignment between the eyes, are not always constant, meaning that in some cases they occur intermittently. Furthermore, it is normal for cross-eyed children to be unaware of their problem, due to the work that the brain does to compensate for the imprecision of the information.

Penelope Cruz, Barbra Streisand, Andy Garcia y Kate Moss son algunos de los famosos bizcos. Como se puede advertir, el estrabismo no es una condition incapacitante ni impide alcanzar la notoriedad pública.