Definition of


Scientific research

Biochemistry is a branch of science where chemistry is combined with biology.

Biochemistry is the science that is responsible for studying the structure and functions of living beings from a chemical perspective . A specialist in this subject and everything that is associated with or makes reference to the phenomena he studies is also known as a biochemist or biochemistry.

The most accurate definition is the one that expresses that biochemistry - a term originating in the French biochimie - is a branch of science (fusion of chemistry and biology ) in charge of the study of the substances that are present in living organisms and the chemical reactions fundamental to vital processes .

Proteins, lipids , carbohydrates and acids are some of the components that are analyzed in biochemistry, a discipline for which every living being has carbon . In general, it is usually indicated that biochemistry focuses on the study of the bases of life , since its object of study is the molecules that are part of both cells and tissues of living beings.

Origin of biochemistry

The origin of biochemistry dates back to 1893 , when the French chemist, physicist and mathematician Anselme Payen discovered the first enzyme ( diastase ), a protein-type substance that is characterized by catalyzing chemical reactions. In any case, notions about biochemistry have been used since prehistory, in situations such as making bread with yeast, for example.

Over time , discoveries in chemistry contributed to the development of medicine , genetics and biology , among other areas. The activity of biochemists takes place in different stages, such as research, laboratory work and industrial biochemistry.

One of the main achievements of biochemistry was the decoding of the human genome , made up of the DNA sequence contained in 23 pairs of chromosomes. Of these 23 pairs, 22 are autosomal and one is the one that determines sex (women have two X chromosomes and men have one X and one Y chromosome).


The analysis of nutrients is part of biochemistry.

Nutrient analysis

In the study of chemical reactions, one of the specialties of biochemistry is the analysis of nutrients , which are divided into five specific groups: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals; They include 50 substances that appear to be essential for achieving balanced health and normal growth.

Our body requires energy to be able to carry out any activity, even to carry out the mere mechanism of breathing. Thanks to the invention of the calorimeter, researchers can know which nutrients provide the amount of energy that an organism needs; It is worth mentioning that depending on the activity carried out, the energy demands differ.

Study of biochemists

The study of biochemists consists of knowing how much energy each of these nutrients provides and thanks to this it is possible to know that 1 gram of protein or pure carbohydrate produces 4 calories while 1 gram of pure fat produces 9.

It is worth clarifying that each nutrient fulfills a particular function :

  • Proteins are responsible for producing body tissue and synthesizing enzymes. The recommended amount of protein for an adult is 0.8 grams per kilo of weight.
  • Minerals are responsible for the structural reconstruction of body tissues and collaborate with the action of enzymatic systems ( muscle contraction, nervous reactions and blood coagulation ). The fundamental minerals are calcium , phosphorus , magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium.
  • Vitamins are those that help improve the way proteins, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed . There are many types of vitamins, the most important being those that participate in the formation of blood cells, hormones and the liver.
  • Carbohydrates are the main nutrients for providing energy since they are found in most foods, as well as in alcoholic beverages. During the metabolism process, carbohydrates are burned in order to obtain energy.
  • Fats provide the body with more than 50% of the energy, and are a compact fuel that is perfectly stored to be used when necessary. Although in a natural environment they are essential nutrients (they allow us to create reserves during periods of abundant food to consume at the time of scarcity), in our modern societies where there is always food at our disposal, they have become a fundamental cause of problems of health.

We will point out, finally, that without biochemistry certain branches considered essential for medicine would not exist, such as nutrition , since thanks to the contributions of this science it is possible to study in more depth the functioning of our body and propose different variants to nutrition that improves the health of individuals.