Definition of



A bimember sentence has two syntactic constituents.

Bimembre is an adjective that refers to something that has two members or parts . The term comes from the Latin bimembris .

For example: "The Conservative Party has a bi-member bloc in the Chamber of Deputies" , "The leadership has a bi-member structure made up of the General Manager and the Executive Manager" , "The poem advances with a bi-member rhythm that surprises the reader" .

Bimember sentences

The concept of bimembre is frequent in the field of grammar . A bimember sentence is one that presents two syntactic constituents (that is, two members) and that, therefore, can be analyzed structurally according to its parts. Another way to define two-membered sentences is to point them out as those that can be divided into subject and predicate .

It is important to add to all the above that one of the most important characteristics of a two-member sentence is that the core of the subject agrees perfectly, in terms of number and person, with the core of the predicate. An example of this is the phrase: "The cleaner tidied up the interior of the office and then left calmly."

Bimember sentences, in turn, can be divided into verbal bimember sentences (which present a conjugated verb according to the declarative tense) and averbal bimember sentences (without conjugated verbs).

Some examples of bimember sentences:

  • "The boy plays ball" ( "The boy" es el sujeto, mientras que "play ball" constituye el predicado)
  • «The Canadian singer gave a wonderful concert» ( «The Canadian singer» -sujeto- y "He gave a great concert" -predicado- son los dos miembros de la prayer )
  • "The tree fell in the middle of the storm" (the subject is "the tree" and "fell in the middle of the storm" is the predicate)
  • «Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are the most winning countries of the Copa América de Fútbol» (in this case, the three countries form the subject of the bimembre sentence and the rest of the structure – «they are the most winning countries of the Copa América "Football" - acts as a predicate)
Legislative Branch

A two-member parliament has two chambers.

The concept in politics

The idea of ​​bimembership can appear in the field of politics, as happens in Spain . And its Cortes Generales , the country's flagship constitutional body, are made up of two chambers. One of them is the Congress of Deputies , also called the Lower House , and the other is the Senate , known as the Upper House .

Both organizations are identified by the fact that they represent the Spanish people and are responsible for controlling the government's actions at all times. They are the ones who carry out the approval of the General State Budgets, have the so-called legislative power and also defend and represent what is national sovereignty.

Something similar is what happens, for example, in the Parliament of the United Kingdom or British Parliament . In its case, said legislative institution is also made up of two chambers: the Upper House , known as the House of Lords , and the Lower House , which is also called the House of Commons .

The first of them is made up of members of the nobility and clergy while the second is made up of people who are democratically elected by the people.