Definition of

Big Bang

Origin of the universe

The explosion that would have been the origin of the universe is called the big bang.

A huge explosion is known as a big bang that, according to a scientific theory, marked the origin of the universe . This theory indicates that the universe originated 13.8 billion years ago, expanding thanks to the explosion in question.

According to the theory, after the expansion the universe began to cool and thus the formation of the first subatomic particles and, later, atoms took place. Gravity caused these elements to come together for the development of stars and galaxies .

The contributions of Georges Lemaître and other scientists

The big bang is linked to the notion of cosmic expansion . In 1927 , Georges Lemaître warned that, if the universe is continually expanding, there must have been a single point of origin in the past. That origin would be the big bang. The increasing separation of galaxies that Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 also served to support this hypothesis .

Scientists such as Roger Penrose , George FR Ellis and Stephen Hawking , on the other hand, started from the theory of general relativity postulated by Albert Einstein and added notions linked to space and time. These measurements allowed them to infer that time and space had a beginning that was finite and that corresponds to the origin of energy and matter .


Many scientists have contributed to the development of the big bang theory.

The big bang today

The current big bang theory, in summary, combines the principles of the theory of general relativity with various observations on the position changes of galaxies, making it possible for the conditions of the universe over time to be extrapolated.

Continuing with the precepts of the big bang, scientists have discovered that the universe is currently expanding at a faster rate . This could be due to so-called dark energy .

This last concept refers to the form of energy found in outer space that tends to exert a certain repulsive pressure , opposite to what the force of gravity exerts. This should not be confused with dark matter , which does not emit a sufficient amount of electromagnetic radiation for scientists to be able to detect it with current devices, although they can deduce its existence by observing certain related factors and phenomena, such as the effect it causes. in the light, since it diverts it from its path.

Through the application of the physical laws that human beings know from nature, it is possible to carry out a large number of complex calculations and investigations that allow us to know the characteristics of the universe millions of years ago, and some of the results obtained In recent decades, they indicate that the temperature and density at the beginning were considerably high.

a television series

In the field of television entertainment there is a comedy called The Big Bang Theory , whose original name in English is The Big Bang Theory . It is a North American series released in 2007 by the CBS network, with production by Warner Bros and Chuck Lorre. Broadly speaking, the story shows us the daily life of a group of friends made up mainly of scientists from different specializations, and their contact with "the outside world" through a neighbor who does not share their tastes or knowledge at all.

The series The Big Bang Theory presents a peculiar look at the typical problems of people who live on the margins of society because of having interests considered "uncommon", which in this case focus on the sciences. Despite having the characters' vocations well defined, the script is broad enough so that anyone with adjustment problems can feel identified and find refuge in that peerless group of friends.