Definition of



Insects are often referred to as bugs.

Bug is a term used in colloquial language to name insects . For example: “This house is full of bugs! We would have to hire a fumigation service” , “A little while ago a bug bit me and it left my arm swollen” , “What is that bug? It looks like an ant, although bigger…”

By extension, a bug can be any other animal. In this case, the use of the concept is derogatory or affectionate, depending on the context. If a person, upon seeing a dog on the street, exclaims “Get that bug away from me!” , you will be using the word with contempt towards the animal. On the other hand, a subject who states that he lives with two dogs and three cats since he “loves bugs” will be using the idea of ​​bug with tenderness and sympathy.

Types of bug

The terrestrial crustaceans that belong to the suborder of the onyscideans are known as ball bugs , ball bugs or woodlice . There are nearly 3,000 species of these animals whose main characteristic is that they have an accordion-like exoskeleton that allows them to roll up on themselves when they feel threatened.

Light bugs or fireflies , on the other hand, are beetles that make up the lampyrid family . All species belonging to this group are characterized by the emission of light (that is, they are bioluminescent).


Fireflies are known as light bugs.

Other considerations

As can be deduced from everything discussed so far, it is not appropriate to use the term bug to refer to an insect in a formal setting, such as when dealing with an employer or with the owner of a house that we rent if we need to inform him or her. of the presence of a pest , for example. In this case, it is recommended to specify the species that we have found or, failing that, use the word insects .

It is also said that a human being is a “bug” or “a bug” when he or she is malicious, sinister or evil : “Be careful with the neighbor on the second floor, he is a bug,” “I think the new boss is a very bug.” , “Don't be a bug and give me back the money I lent you.”

Another meaning of this term is to talk about a very energetic child, who is always up to mischief and is very difficult to control. Just as when we speak affectionately of animals when we call them bugs, in this case there is no bad intention, but this word is used to denote the restless nature of the person, which leads him to go from one state to another without rest and We get the feeling that getting him to calm down is as difficult as catching a very fast insect.

Song “Bad bug”

This word also appears as part of the title of the song "Mal bicho" , released as a single by the Argentine band Los Fabulosos Cadillacs in 1995 to promote the album called "Rey Azúcar" .

This group was formed in Buenos Aires in 1985 and the musical genre that represents them is ska . It is worth mentioning that they have enjoyed great success within the field of Latin American music, to the point of having four of their albums included among the 250 most influential of Latin American rock, according to the publication "Al Borde" .

a nickname

There are also people nicknamed with this term, as is the case of Javier Fernández Abruñedo , a footballer born in Sada , La Coruña ( Spain ) in 1996 .

He debuted in 2013 as a sports professional in the Third Division. His preparation took place in a team from his hometown, Rayo Sadense , and in the Sports Club of his region. , and then he played for teams like Barcelona "B" , Compostela and Racing de Ferrol .