Definition of



A reddish color is called russet.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes two meanings of bermejo , both associated with the same meaning. According to the RAE , bermejo is an adjective that refers to that which is reddish in color .

It is interesting to note that the term comes from vermicŭlus , a Latin word that refers to quermes or kermes . This is because the quemes is an insect similar to the cochineal that is used to produce this shade.

The color russet

Vermilion is a fairly dark red , which can be classified as carmine or scarlet . In colloquial language , vermilion, reddish and red are often used synonymously.

Long ago, russet was specifically associated with quermes. The females of this insect are responsible for the development of the galls (excrescences) that, in the tree known as kermes oak, provide this color .

Currently, russet can be obtained in different ways. As we already indicated, different reddish tones are mentioned as russet.

The leggings of the nobles

The adjective bermejo (or bermeja , its feminine version) is used to describe all types of elements. In this sense it is interesting to point out the red leggings , which Spanish nobles used to wear in the 14th century .

It should be noted that leggings are clothing items that cover, to a greater or lesser extent, the legs and thighs. Depending on the design, they can be wide or tight.

In the case of the vermilion leggings, they were red garments worn by members of the Spanish nobility. These individuals, like all nobles, had a title , obtained by order of the king or by inheritance.

Young wild boar

The baby wild boar, until it is one year old, can be referred to as vermilion.

The vermilion, young wild boar

The term vermilion is also used to refer to the breeding of the wild boar until it reaches its first year of life . Wild boar , meanwhile, is an artiodactyl mammal whose scientific name is Sus scrofa .

As soon as they are born, the babies (also referred to as wild boars ) are known as scratches because they exhibit stripes on their fur . Little by little, the hair turns reddish, which is why they are called russet.

Wild boars live in groups of between three and up to twenty individuals. The russet trees, in this framework, tend to remain somewhat distant, remaining on the periphery of the group.

a proper name

The Plata hydrographic basin is made up of the Río de la Plata and its various tributaries . The Bermejo River, which originates in Bolivia and whose course ends in Argentina , is part of this basin.

The length of the Bermejo River is 1,450 kilometers. However, it is only navigable in the final 100 km and by small boats.

Bermejo is also a department of the province of Chaco , a city of Mendoza and a town of San Juan , always in Argentine territory. In the aforementioned Chaco department, there is also the town of Puerto Bermejo .

The municipality of Bermejo is located in Tarija ( Bolivia ). If we move to Europe , meanwhile, we will find the neighborhood of Bermejo , in the municipality of Álora (Spanish province of Málaga ).

Bermejo , finally, is a surname shared by several personalities, such as the former Spanish soccer player Mario Bermejo , the Mexican musician Felipe Bermejo Araujo and the Argentine actor Carlos Bermejo .