Definition of



He who is drunk is drunk.

Beodo is an adjective whose etymological history begins in bibĕre , a Latin verb that can be translated as “drink.” This word derived from bibĭtus , which in turn became a term that has since fallen into disuse: beudo . Finally we come to the notion of drunk , which refers to someone who is drunk .

A drunk individual, therefore, is drunk . This means that this is a person who has consumed an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages and has suffered different consequences on their body due to this action.

For example: “Gentleman, I cannot serve you any more cognac: you are drunk and should not continue drinking,” “You are drunk again! You have to learn to control yourself” , “A drunk driver caused a tragedy on the Camino del Centro” .

Drunks and alcoholism

When a person is drunk frequently, they can be said to suffer from alcoholism . This concept is linked to an organic dependence on alcohol : if the drunk does not consume, he suffers the so-called withdrawal syndrome (characterized by a series of physical reactions that appear when the substance to which he is addicted is not ingested).

Alcohol abuse generates numerous problems in the body and psyche of the drunk, even before addiction is triggered. Once the drink takes effect, the person may acquire impulsive behaviors , feel dizzy and nauseated, have a headache, be drowsy, or even lose consciousness. At one extreme, consumption can cause death from cardiorespiratory arrest . That is why all doctors recommend limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages.

alcohol addiction

He who is drunk frequently suffers various psychological and organic consequences.


All this can be seen in one of the meanings of the term that we frequently find in dictionaries: "person whose physical and mental capacities have been temporarily altered due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages."

Precisely, drunkenness does not allow us to make full use of our faculties or our body, and this usually leads to embarrassing situations that, once the effect of alcohol has passed, generate deep regret in the subject, or violations of the law that lead to to have problems with Justice.

Drunk, a passing condition

In this case, it is important that we are referring to a state adjective , which is why it must be conjugated with the verb estar and not with the verb ser . The reason is that this meaning of the word drunk reflects a current and temporary condition of the subject, which will probably change in relation to temporal factors, place or even due to the influence of other events in their environment. This group of adjectives serve to describe a state of mind, an emotion or a behavior.

At the other extreme are adjectives that reflect a way of being, a personality trait that does not change but rather serves to distinguish an individual from others, and here we must use the verb to be. For example: from the sentence "Juan is a very happy person, he is always seen smiling and with positive energy" we can understand that Juan is characterized by his joy, which we will generally see him in that state . If, on the other hand, we said "When we arrived, we noticed that Juan was drunk," we are referring to a temporary state that does not represent it.

If we want to refer to a person's alcoholism, then we must use the verb to be, both with the adjective and the noun drunk, so that the persistence over time of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is appreciated. For example: "My father is a drunk and refuses to accept help to overcome his problem," "I don't know what to do anymore, because he doesn't admit to being a drunk."