Definition of



Applause can be associated with conformity or satisfaction.

It is interesting to begin the definition of the term beneplacito by knowing its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word of Latin origin formed by the sum of three clearly delimited elements:

-The word bene , which is equivalent to “good.”

-The verb placere , which can be translated as “to like.”

-The suffix -to , which is used to indicate that a specific action has been received.

In ancient times the phrase was used as approval of a proposal for appointment.

Concept of approval

Approval, therefore, is the agreement , assent , authorization or consent that is given to something. For example: “With the approval of the parties, the start of the trial was postponed for a week” , “The Executive Branch already has the approval of parliament to advance the tax reform” , “The modification of the corporate statute did not obtain the approval of the majority shareholders.”

The idea of ​​approval can also refer to satisfaction , pleasure or delight : “A resolution of the organization expresses the approval of its members for the end of the conflict” , “The owner of the company welcomes a merger with his competitor” , “Pleasure in the popular sectors for the arrival of the Pope to the country.”

There is also the expression “to have approval.” When it is used it is to indicate that someone has the approval and permission of another to carry out, for example, a certain action. A sentence that can serve as an example is the following: “The museum management decided to install security cameras in the room of the star painter with the approval of the painter and the owners of the place.”


Giving approval implies approval.


Giving approval implies agreeing with what is produced. Take the case of a town that unites to reject a mining project announced by the government. According to neighbors, the activity will cause irreparable environmental damage . The rulers, on the other hand, affirm that the mining company's million-dollar investment will generate jobs and wealth .

After a series of massive protests by local residents, the project is finally cancelled . Faced with this novelty, the neighbors express their approval . This means that they make public their joy at the company's decision not to move forward with its project.

Approval of the doubt

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of an expression with the word in question that we use really frequently. We are referring to what is known as the approval of doubt . What it tries to indicate is that a person is given the benefit of the doubt until it is proven that what they say is a lie.

This situation occurs, for example, during a trial in which the judge chooses to rely on the approval of the defendant's doubt until testimony or evidence appears that he is really guilty. That is, you will be considered innocent until proven otherwise.