Michel Bégon (1638-1710) was a French sailor who served as mayor of Saint-Domingue , a colony of France that was located on the island of Hispaniola (an island territory currently divided between the Dominican Republic and Haiti ). In addition to acting as a civil servant, Bégon stood out as a plant collector and as a promoter of botany .
In tribute to the work carried out by Bégon with the aim of promoting knowledge of nature, Charles Plumier based his name on a perennial plant native to the American continent: the begonia .
Begonia characteristics
The begonia belongs to the family group of Begoniaceae . This plant with fleshy stems has green leaves on one side and reddish on the other, large and heart-shaped. Its flowers lack a corolla and have a pink calyx.
There are more than a thousand species of begonias, which usually measure about forty centimeters high. Beyond the common traits, each species has its particularities.
It can be said that the begonia is a genus that is very popular in the field of gardening . They generally need warm temperatures to develop and must be protected from direct sun exposure.
The propagation of begonias can be done by cuttings or dividing a leaf or stem. It is also possible to achieve it through a fragment of the leaf.
Classification according to type
Begonias can be classified in different ways. A common division is based on the root system and distinguishes between fasciculated begonias , tuberous begonias and rhizomatous begonias .
In the case of fasciculated begonias , their roots extend through the soil to have access to the necessary nutrients that enable their subsistence. These begonias bloom in clusters.
Tuberous begonias , for their part, have roots with tubercles where they store nutrients. Another peculiarity is that they bloom abundantly. Finally, rhizomatous begonias have an underground stem that grows horizontally.
How to care for a begonia
Begonia care varies depending on whether it is an outdoor or indoor plant.
Begonias grown in gardens and other open spaces need to be in frost-free areas. Furthermore, they should not be continuously exposed to the sun .
If the begonia is grown indoors, it requires warm to warm temperatures, moderate light, and moderate to high watering .
As for the pests that usually affect begonias, we find mites , aphids , slugs and snails . Attention should be paid to the eventual appearance of these animals since they feed on flowers and leaves.
It cannot be omitted to mention that specific care depends on the species. That is why it is always important to seek advice from a specialist to minimize inconveniences.
Begoña, a name of Basque origin
The term begonia should not be confused with the feminine proper name Begoña . This name , furthermore, has nothing to do with the plant: it is believed that it would be linked to a dominant hill .
The Spanish writer Begoña Huertas , the Mexican actress Begoña Narváez and the Chilean actress Begoña Basauri are personalities named in this way.