Definition of



The idea of ​​slop is associated with garbage or disposable items.

Slop is a mixture of waste, waste and feces , according to the first meaning included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The etymological root of the term is found in the Italian language.

By extension, everything that causes disgust or is despicable is called filth. The slops, due to their characteristics , are not worthy of appreciation or esteem.

For example: “That movie is rubbish! It bored me a lot” , “A person who mistreats a creature in that way is nothing more than filth” , “I'm not going to eat this filth” .

Examples of slop

The notion of swill is derogatory : what is defined as swill does not have positive qualities. Suppose that a journalist, when reviewing a rock band's new album, points out that the album is “garbage” since it presents twelve songs that are very similar to each other and that, in turn, are copies. of songs by other artists. By stating that the album is “garbage” , you are equating it with garbage or something disposable.

A slop can also be a person or the actions of an individual. Someone may consider that a person who hits a child is rubbish : nothing justifies physical punishment of a minor, which is why someone who attacks a child with beatings is disgusting. On the other hand, if a political leader demands that homosexuals be imprisoned because they violate public morality, many may indicate that this leader's words are “garbage.”


Anyone who commits gender violence or child abuse can be described as trash.

Use of the concept

Despite the connotations that the term rubbish has, its use in a conversation of a certain formality is not frowned upon, unlike the so-called " bad words" or " expletives" . Although it is not part of the vocabulary we would use to converse in an audience with British royalty, it is not a particularly vulgar word either.

On the other hand, perhaps it is the character that we usually give it when pronouncing it that makes it unsuitable for the formal sphere. When we say that something is rubbish, we are far from expressing a mere opinion , but rather we denote a certain degree of contempt, a regret for having encountered it in our lives, whether it is a movie, a book or a gastronomic recipe, among many. other possibilities.

Likewise, when we accuse someone of being filthy, we say much more than "he's a bad person," since we are probably seeking to make clear our lack of approval for his behavior in an outright way. As mentioned in a previous paragraph, violence against children or homophobia are two of the attitudes that could characterize an individual whom we label with this adjective, because they are ways of acting or thinking that violate the rights and freedom of others.

The letters that make up the word slop make it more suitable for expressing through sounds the disgust that the subject causes us than others, like garbage , for example. The force that we can exert when pronouncing the f , first of all, gives us the possibility of adjusting the intensity to our liking, in addition to extending the duration of the term; Next, the i appears, a particularly sharp and sharp vowel, which in this case is not accented but that does not prevent it from adding a sour touch to the communication.

It should be noted that this word is not as common today as it was a couple of decades ago, partly due to the growing acceptance in everyday speech of foreign words that are modifying the language and taking away its most distinctive features.