Definition of



That which is located at the base of a construction is referred to as basal.

Determining the etymological origin of the term basal leads us to determine that it is a mixture of Greek and Latin components. Thus, we can make it clear that it is the result of the addition of the Greek noun basis and the Latin suffix -al , which is synonymous with “relative to.”

Basal is that which is located at the base of a construction or an organic formation. For example: “The governor has laid the foundation stone for what will be the future San Jacinto hospital,” “I want Gudmonsen to be the foundation piece of this team and for all the players to adapt to it,” “Wood is the basal component of this artistic work.”

For biology , basal is the level of activity of an organic function during rest and fasting . Basal temperature , therefore, is the body temperature of a person who wakes up after having slept at least five hours.

basal metabolism

The minimum value of energy that a cell needs to survive is known as basal metabolism . Cells use this energy in chemical reactions that allow them to develop essential metabolic functions.

In addition to all this, it must be said that the basal metabolism that a person may have depends on many factors. Thus, both your gender and your age influence this, without forgetting your weight, your height and even the percentage of muscle mass you have.

It is also interesting to know these other interesting facts about this mentioned type of metabolism:

• It increases until the person turns 30, at which age it stabilizes until 40. After that time, what happens to it is that it decreases.

• People with a greater amount of muscle mass have a higher basal metabolism and this is due, among many other things, to the fact that they need more energy to maintain muscle.

• In order to calculate the basal metabolism of any person, it is necessary to have three fundamental elements such as their height, their age and also their weight in kilos.


Basal metabolism refers to the minimum value of energy that a cell requires for its survival.

Other uses of the term

The basal ganglia are collections of nerve cell bodies at the base of the brain . These ganglia are associated with voluntary movements that are carried out unconsciously in everyday tasks.

The basement membrane , for its part, is a cellular layer found at the base of epithelial tissues. With a variable thickness, this membrane acts as a support and physiological filter.

The structure present at the base of eukaryotic undilopodia is called the basal body . The basal bodies serve as a nucleation point in the growth of axoneme microtubules.

Basal in zoology and phylogeny

Within zoology the term basal is also used. Specifically, in this field it is used to refer to a part of what would be the base of the fin that different species of fish have.

Basal, finally, is a notion that in phylogeny refers to the lineage of those who separated early from the members of their group.