Definition of


Ravine with watercourse

A ravine is a steep slope in the terrain that forms for different reasons.

The etymology of the term barranco is not clear, although it is believed that it could have a pre-Roman origin. The concept is used to refer to a precipice or an abyss .

Steep slope

A ravine is a steep slope on the surface of a natural area of ​​land. It can be caused by different reasons, some of which are listed below:

* by a movement of tectonic plates . This usually occurs in places near areas where one plate sinks below the edge of another (what is known as a subduction zone );

* by erosion caused by a stream, torrent or river. In this specific case we can speak of the concept of ravinement ;

* as a result of the depression between two normal faults that are oriented parallel, which is known by the terms graben or tectonic trench .

Ravines can be found in many regions . In the Death Valley area (known in Spanish as Valle de la Muerte ), which is located in the Mojave Desert ( United States ), there are numerous ravines.


Canyoning , on the other hand, is a sport that consists of advancing through ravines and riverbeds, using different techniques. This practice involves moving on foot in some sections and swimming in others.

Although canyoning attracts many people from different walks of life, it is important to have a certain degree of experience in sports activities and a good affinity in the relationship with nature , both with the terrain and with inclement weather. If we tire easily or are bothered by the sun too much, for example, it is recommended to start with short stretches to get used to it little by little.

Furrow in the earth

A ravine is also called a groove that a stream of water creates in the earth . In this context, water causes a break in the surface. The depth of a ravine like this can reach 50 metres. If it forms in a limestone area, it is normal for it to be linked to a limestone area, an irregular rock surface that has also been eroded by water, leaving various hollows and points.

At this point we must return to the concept of ravine , since this term is used to describe the erosion caused by this type of ravine. The origin of the water can be rain or runoff , a current that arises when a natural or artificial channel is overflowed. It is usually seen as a "sheet" of water moving over the surface and is measured in millimeters.

Gullying usually occurs in soils that are composed mainly of impermeable and soft materials. Given the position and direction of the water, its action occurs on the surface and can be seen with the naked eye in the form of grooves or fissures. It should be added that the term gully is only used when the eroded area is of considerable size; for smaller areas there are other names, such as rills, streams and ravines .

Boy sitting on a rock

Canyoning involves exploring ravines, with sections on foot and others by swimming, depending on the terrain.

Lima District

Barranco is also the name of a district in Lima , the capital of Peru . This neighborhood is characterized by its bohemian spirit, with numerous art galleries. Because of its tourist appeal, which includes points of interest such as La Ermita , the Puente de los Suspiros and Plaza San Francisco , Barranco is full of hotels, restaurants and bars.


In Portugal , finally, Barrancos is a village that belongs to the district of Beja and borders Spain . Its surface area of ​​just over 168 square kilometres is inhabited by about 1,700 people.