Definition of

Status bar


The status bar integrates the graphical interface of a computer program.

A bar can be a piece longer than it is thick, an iron lever used to move something heavy, a roll of unworked metal, a graphic sign used in writing , the counter of a shop, the inflation of a athlete or a team and the group of friends that meets frequently.

The state , on the other hand, is the situation in which something or someone is found; a way of being or being; or the form of sovereign and coercive social organization that is based on the existence of institutions with the authority and power to regulate the functioning of a given society .

In the field of computing , a type of element that is part of the graphical interface of a software is known as a bar. The status bar is one that is usually located at the bottom of a window and that presents information about its status.

Status bar display

It must be taken into account that, as with another series of elements with similar characteristics, the status bar is a component that can be hidden or shown based on the wishes of the person in question who is using a program. computer or who is browsing the Internet.

In certain applications, such as word processors or spreadsheets for example, in order to activate or deactivate it, you need to go to the View menu, which is located in the upper left part of the screen. Once in it, what you will have to do is click on "Show the status bar" or the opposite.

Web Browser

In a browser, the status bar can show how a web page is loading.

Some features

The characteristics of the status bar (also called status bar ) vary according to the characteristics of the computer program in question. One of the most important status bars for the user is the one that appears in web browsers , since it displays the loading progress of a page or shows where a hyperlink is directed by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.

In the case of the Internet, and specifically the Windows operating system, when browsing you can show or hide the status bar in a very simple way: from the Tools Menu and, once inside, clicking on Application Options. Then you will have to click on the General tab and, activating or deactivating, the "Show status bar" alternative.

Status bar in Microsoft Word

In word processors such as Microsoft Word , the status bar indicates various information about the document that is open, such as its number of pages or the language.

However, these are other data that the status bar gives us in the Word program:

• Zoom level.

• Number of words, characters, lines...

• Possibility of moving the cursor to get closer or further away from the document.

• Viewing mode of the document, the page and the screen you currently have and the possibility of modifying it at the desired moment: page mode, full screen, as a web browser, in outline form, as a simple draft...