Definition of



The idea of ​​hubbub refers to fights or disturbances of large proportions.

A hubbub is a great commotion, disorder or confusion . The etymology of the word is unclear: it is believed that it could derive from the French word baragouin or the Portuguese barafunda . This term can also be written as baraúnda , as explained by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary.

For example: "At that time, the region was a hubbub where chaos reigned and the law was not frequently applied" , "The criminal took advantage of the hubbub and took a bag containing the artist's personal belongings" , "The hubbub The electoral process is already behind us: now is the time to govern .

What is a hubbub

The mess can be understood as a muddle, a mess, an entanglement, a commotion, a brawl or a disturbance of great proportions . The situation that, in the vulgar language of some nations, is known as quilombo can also be called hubbub.

Suppose that, while a theatrical performance is taking place, the power goes out in the venue. After a few minutes in the dark, when the power returns to the theater, many spectators realize that their belongings have been stolen. Then a hubbub ensues with screams, cries and demands. No one understands what has happened or knows who is responsible, as a real uproar breaks out.

The previous example is related to one of the terms that we find in the definition of hubbub provided by the RAE : confusion . In addition to all the problems that may arise as a result of a mess, and the damage to both other people and facilities, a situation of this type leads to a lack of orientation that makes it very difficult to put an end to it.


People who participate in riots can be arrested.

Violence on television

Numerous moments of great violence and loss of control have taken place on television during the recording of programs with audience attendance in which a misunderstanding ended in a row.

A racist insult, a comment that brings to light a third party's private information, or even a physical attack between two people is enough for the set to become a battlefield in a matter of seconds.

Start of a hubbub

As mentioned above, in the midst of the hubbub the participants are not always clear about why they are causing damage or hurting others, but the confusion is so great that they cannot stop. The adrenaline rush that characterizes a riot of this type explains why it is so difficult to stop and step aside, since violence can cause pleasure, as demonstrated by so many activities carried out by human beings that consist of attacking beings. innocent for fun.

While many may point out that a hubbub can only break out in a group of low-income or poorly educated people, we are all equal beneath the clothes and makeup. Fights that could be classified as brawls also take place in an opera house, although they do not make the front pages like those that occur in football stadiums.

Violence is in our nature; We can repress it, but sooner or later it finds a way to escape. Sometimes the calmest and most refined individuals cause the most damage, probably because they are the ones who override their impulses the most. How to channel violence without hurting innocent beings? Playing sports, getting closer to nature and exploring our physical abilities.

A row can also occur in a bar when a group of drunk people begins to insult and attack some of those present. In a few seconds, a riot breaks out with pushing, hitting and verbal attacks of all kinds. The hubbub only ends when the bar's security officers manage to contain the violent people and expel them from the place.