Definition of


Alcoholic drinks bar

The main product of the bar is alcoholic beverages

The concept of a bar comes from the English language. The most common meaning of the term refers to a business where drinks are served that can be had at a bar , either standing or on high stools.

Generally these establishments also have tables with chairs . Customers can choose where to sit and consume drinks, which can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, such as beer , whiskey , liqueur , soda ( soda ), or fruit juice ( juice ). It is also common for meals to be served.

The bars, due to their characteristics and operation, are similar to other venues. A bar, in this way, can be similar to a pub , a cafeteria , a confectionery or a restaurant .

There are bars where it is possible to listen to music , even performed live by artists who offer concerts on the premises. Many of them also usually have giant screens for broadcasting sporting events.

Work in a bar

The person who serves behind the bar is known as a bartender or bartender . This individual is responsible for receiving orders, either directly from consumers or through the waiters who work at the location. The bartender usually also prepares the appetizers .

The ideal personality of a bar attendant is extroverted, with a great ability to listen to the customer and empathize with them . It is important to note that the bar is usually the destination of those who feel defeated by life, depressed by their romantic or work failures, and for this reason they decide to drown their sorrows in alcohol. The role of the bartender, in this case, is not that of a drinks vending machine, but that of a human being who is capable of understanding the pain of others and preventing his client from sinking even further.

Of course, the bar's business would not be sustained if the clerk denied his products to customers for fear of getting them drunk. That is why there is a kind of balance between the satisfaction of the company and the protection of the person who comes to it to drink. Through this very particular relationship, friendships are made that can last a lifetime, and in this way the bar can become a second home for many people.

meeting place

Beyond their function as food and drink delivery, bars fulfill a social role . These are meeting places where people go to socialize , for example.

As mentioned above, the bar can be a second home for many of its customers. And this is not only due to the relationship with the clerk, but also with friends or even other clients whom they do not know outside of this area. Inside a bar the social rules are different from those that reign in the outside world, partly because almost everyone goes with common goals and alcohol helps them lose their inhibitions .

Bar meeting place

The bar is usually a meeting place with other people

The degree of complicity that occurs in a bar is very particular, since it is not necessary to have a friendly relationship with someone to trust them with the deepest secrets, all under a kind of tacit and implicit oath that both parties respect simply by being in contact. an establishment of this type. It may also happen that at the bar we find our other half, the person with whom we want to establish a loving bond and spend the rest of our lives.

pressure unit

A bar, on the other hand, is a unit of pressure that is equivalent to 1000 pascals . This unit, whose symbol is bar , is frequently used in the field of meteorology .