Definition of



Bamboo is a grass plant.

Bamboo is a plant that is native to India and belongs to the grass family group. Its stems can reach a height of about twenty meters, being used for the production of different objects thanks to their resistance.

Bamboos have different types of leaves depending on the sector in which they originate. While the leaves on the stem are brownish, those that grow on the branches have a greenish hue. Its flowering , on the other hand, is unusual.

Bamboo characteristics

The main feature of bamboo is that it grows very quickly . This capacity for reproduction means that it is considered an ecological material for manufacturing and construction since it is a resource that is renewed almost constantly.

Bamboo (a term with etymological origins in the Portuguese language) has multiple uses. One of the most common is the development of furniture: chairs , tables , beds , etc. You can also build bamboo houses , with walls and roofs made of this material. Hats , sandals and baskets are other products made with this plant.

On the other hand, when it is processed and its pulp is obtained, bamboo can be used for the production of cardboard , paper and textile fibers . This versatility led man to grow bamboo in artificial environments, such as greenhouses and laboratories.


The panda feeds on bamboo.

Its use in the kitchen

In the same way, we cannot forget that bamboo is also used in the kitchen. Thus, for example, it is very common for Chinese cuisine to find dishes with the same, such as mushrooms with bamboo.

It is considered to be a food that brings with it a series of advantages:

  • Promotes the good condition of bones and skin. In the case of bones, it is a good option to include it in the diet because it provides silicon.
  • It is established that it is an ally for women who are in the menopause phase.
  • It provides high levels of fiber, which is why it helps to maintain intestinal transit in perfect condition.
  • It is also satiating, so it helps not feel hungry.
  • It is low in calories, making it an interesting food for people who want to lose weight.

Beyond what is done by humans , animals also make use of bamboo. This plant, for example, is the main component of the panda bears ' diet.

Song "Bamboo"

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore that one of the most relevant songs in the discography of the Spanish singer Miguel Bosé is precisely titled “Bambú” . It was the single that opened the album “The Boys Don't Cry” and was released in 1990 .

In the same way, it should be noted that there was a lot of talk about the composition and that numerous theories even emerged about its lyrics. There are versions that indicate that the song alludes to a sexual relationship.