Definition of


Lilium candidum

The species Lilium candidum is known as white lily, common lily or simply lily.

Azucena is a name given to several plants . The concept comes from the Hispanic Arabic asussána , in turn derived from the classical Arabic sūsanah which comes from the pelvi sōsan .

The first definition provided by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) indicates that a plant that belongs to the family group of liliaceae is called lily. There are different varieties and species with different characteristics, so there is not just one lily but rather it is correct to talk about lilies (in plural).

The genus Lilium

Lilies or lilies are the plants that make up the Lilium genus. Generally, the term lily refers to the species whose scientific name is Lilium candidum , known as common lily , white lily or simply lily.

This lily has a bulb that allows the birth of elongated leaves and also has an aerial stem with more leaves and white flowers with an intense aroma. The common lily is native to the Middle East and grows in temperate climate regions.

Other plants called daylilies

It is interesting to note that there are plants that do not belong to the genus Lilium but that are also called lilies. This usually happens with species of the Arum genus , to mention one case.

Gladiolus italicus , Calendula officinalis , Iris pseudacorus and Calochortus leichtlinii are called lily. That is why it must be taken into account that lilies can be very dissimilar vegetables from each other.


The lily is considered a symbol of purity.

symbol of purity

We said above that the common lily is a plant with white flowers. Due to this tone, the name is also used to refer to an individual or a thing that stands out for its integrity , its decorum or its honesty .

In fact, the lily is considered a symbol of purity . In Catholicism, it is common for Saint Dominic to be represented with lilies in his hand due to his attachment to purity .

The legend of Azucena

In Peruvian territory, a legend maintains the existence of a ghost that wanders along a road in the department of Loreto . The spirit in question would be that of a girl named Azucena who had died as a result of a sexual attack.

It is said that Azucena looks for men who are alone and seduces them. Once they become involved with the spectrum, they end up sick or dead.

As with most legends, it is possible to hear different versions of the story. In some cases, Azucena did not die from rape, but in a traffic accident. Since the young woman was a virgin, she wishes to leave that state or condition behind posthumously, thus stalking the men traveling on the road.

female name

In several Spanish-speaking countries , Azucena is a fairly common female name. As a reference we can focus on the figure of Azucena Villaflor .

This Argentine born in 1924 was one of the founders of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo when, in 1976 , she took steps to try to find her son and daughter-in-law, both kidnapped by the military dictatorship . Azucena herself, due to her activism, ended up being kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the regime.