Definition of


flight attendant

Flight attendants and stewards have the comfort and safety of passengers in their hands.

A steward is called a person who is dedicated to caring for the passengers of an airplane , a bus, a train, a cruise ship or other means of transportation . By extension, the term is used to refer to the employee of a transportation company who has the function of serving people.

It is common for these tasks to be carried out by women : that is why the feminine form is the most common. However, there is also the concept of steward to name the men who carry out these actions.

Comfort and safety on flights

The most frequent use of the concept is associated with a flight attendant , cabin crew or stewardess . These workers are in charge of guaranteeing the comfort of travelers and ensuring safety on board.

In the case of airplanes, stewards are civilly responsible for various operations and materials of the aircraft and have the obligation to comply with multiple aeronautical regulations.

Functions on the plane

Stewardesses and flight attendants, understood as flight attendants, have great responsibilities on their shoulders. First of all, it is important to note that the team is divided into groups to attend to different tasks. Before boarding, your functions are the following:

* properly check the ramps, doors, lights and any other safety elements of the ship, including seat belts, to ensure that they are in perfect condition ;

* Greet passengers, one by one, and help them find their seats. At this point it is usually necessary to tell them where and how to store their hand luggage;

* Very often, passengers have specific questions and needs, especially on their first plane trip . Resolving them is another of the functions of flight attendants and flight attendants;

* when the right time comes, bring food and drink to passengers, according to the contract conditions established at the time of purchasing the ticket;

* keep passengers informed at all times, indicating the rules and explaining security measures;

* ensure that no passenger causes problems or inconvenience to others;

* In case of emergency, take charge of coordinating the indicated operations.

At events

Also known as a hostess is someone who, at an event , provides assistance and information to the public . Hostesses are hired especially to carry out this task at conferences , exhibitions and other meetings.

Let's see a classification with a brief description of each type:

* fair : these hostesses provide their image to represent a fair or exhibition, with the function of informing potential clients about the products and services offered by their employers;

* transfer : within the framework of a conference made up of very influential people, for example, the transfer stewardess has the obligation to pick them up at the airport and take them to the hotel or the place where the event will take place;

* protocol : hostesses in this category perform at official events, in which people from fields such as science, politics and culture participate, providing them with assistance and advice ;

* image : it is the image of a brand, with a much lower degree of interaction than that of the fair hostess and a much greater requirement regarding its physical appearance.

fair hostess

At conferences, fairs and other events, the hostess can lend her image, in addition to advising the participants.

queen's maid

It should be noted that, in ancient times, a stewardess was a servant of the queen . The stewardess would hand the jewelry and clothing to the monarch and then collect these garments and accessories when the sovereign took them away.

It is interesting to note, finally, that the hostesses who served the queens were named this way because, within the framework of their work , they usually used a hostess : a basket or tray.