Definition of

Figure out


Finding out is an action that is carried out to access certain information or discover the truth about something.

Find out is a verb whose etymological root is found in the Latin word verificāre . The action of finding out involves carrying out a certain diligence with the objective of discovering the truth of a matter or accessing certain information .

For example: “The truth is that I don't know who called me on the phone last night, but I'm going to find out,” “The president promised to find out who is responsible for the threats that have been happening for several days,” “ Could you find out what time the train leaves?” .

Examples of finding out

The act of finding out usually develops in different ways in everyday life. The inquiry may consist of a simple question or an observation . If a person wants to find out if the food he is cooking in the oven is ready to serve, he only has to take the dish on which he placed it and examine or taste a piece; Depending on the result, you will make the decision to leave it on the fire for a while longer or take it to the table.

A man who wants to find out how much until the start of a soccer match, for his part, has to first find out what time the match starts (for example, by reading a newspaper article about it that was published in a newspaper) and then consult a watch If the match starts at 9 p.m. and the clock shows that it is 8 p.m., the subject will know that they still have to wait an hour for the event to begin.

In other areas, finding out information is much more complex. The police may have to carry out an extensive investigation to find out who murdered a political leader, for example, and this entails a series of tasks that must be carried out together and under strict organization for the process to be successful.

In fact, in the context of a police investigation to solve a murder, different types of inquiries occur, which can range from a simple query to find an address to a conversation with a scientist to learn about the potential effects of a toxic substance found in the crime scene.


Work in laboratories allows us to find out various data.

The concept in computing

If we move on to the world of technology, more specifically to the software development environment, we know that every program creation process entails an inevitable testing stage, which always throws up some errors. While the programming team advances in the development of the product, the testing team must subject it to a large number of situations to find errors, report them and wait for a new version.

When a programmer receives an error report, he must find out its origin, and to do so it is necessary for the person responsible for the test to tell him in great detail how to reproduce the error, that is, to ensure that a and again voluntarily. The world of programming is so complex that it gives rise to all types of problems, from those that are solved in a few seconds to some that must remain in the program due to lack of time to find their cause or an adequate solution.

Other considerations about finding out

All the examples presented so far show us that the action of finding out can be carried out by different types of people: from those who, out of mere curiosity, decide to find a particular piece of information - whether or not it is up to them to know it - to professionals who allocate resources specific to solve a technical problem that prevents them from moving forward with a project.

The differences not only refer to the importance of the matter , but also to the persistence and will of the individual, since not everyone has the perseverance and determination to carry out any type of investigation.