Definition of



Seagulls are a family of birds.

Ave is a term that comes from the Latin word avis . The concept is used to name an oviparous and vertebrate animal whose body is protected by plumage and which has a pair of wings generally suitable for flying.

It is important to mention that the notion of birds, in the plural, is used as a taxon . Therefore, it refers to a subdivision within the framework of the classification of animals carried out by biology .

The evolution of birds

It is estimated that birds emerged about two hundred million years ago, in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era . In fact, these beings are usually classified as theropod dinosaurs that managed to survive despite the mass extinction that took place about 66 million years ago.

Fossils show that the evolution of today's birds occurred from ancient theropods. Various experts, in this framework, even maintain that birds are indeed dinosaurs, including them as a subgroup in this group .

Main features

Birds are oviparous: their embryos develop into eggs . These are vertebrate species (they have a backbone ) that breathe through lungs and keep their blood at a stable temperature.

A horny beak , two wings and two legs are also part of the body characteristics of these species. Its bones are hollow but resistant, which facilitates flight in most birds since its bone structure is light.

The plumage , which they shed regularly, is very important for all birds. Thanks to their feathers, they can identify themselves, camouflage themselves and regulate body temperature, for example. It is possible to differentiate between several types of feathers, such as flight feathers (which help with thrust and lift) and down (which provides thermal insulation).

Struthio camelus

The largest bird in the world is the ostrich.

bird species

Although the mentioned characteristics are common to all birds, there are many species and, therefore, these creatures show very varied properties and traits.

The ostrich , scientific name Struthio camelus , is the largest bird in the world : its weight can be around 180 kilograms, while its height can reach 3 meters. This bird cannot fly, but it runs at high speed.

At the other extreme, hummingbirds or hummingbirds are the smallest bird species. The so-called zunzuncito hummingbird ( Mellisuga helenae ), found in Cuban territory, is the smallest, measuring just 6 centimeters in length and weighing less than 2 grams.

Canaries , falcons , eagles , toucans , parrots , pigeons , penguins , chickens , owls , rheas , seagulls , crows and flamingos are also birds. It should be noted that the word bird is often used to refer generically to birds, especially when they are small in size.

Food and behavior

As we already indicated, there are numerous species of birds with different characteristics. Among the foods that these animals can ingest are insects , leaves , seeds , fruits and carrion , depending on the type of bird.

Many species are migratory and move seasonally to facilitate access to food and facilitate reproduction. Some birds are solitary, while others reside in small groups or form large flocks .

Birds communicate through sounds and visual signals. In some cases, their intelligence allows them to use objects such as tools or utensils.